Friday, January 1, 2010

Led Light Strips Inteface

Elisha Zanasi

Eliseo Zanasi , foggiano classe 1947, è un affermato imprenditore nel settore delle costruzioni. Dopo gli studi classici presso il Liceo "Lanza" di Foggia ha ha conseguito la Laurea in Ingegneria Civile Sezione Trasporti all'Università di Bologna, discutendo una tesi sulla raccolta e lo smaltimento dei rifiuti nel capoluogo emiliano, divenuta poi una caso di studio ancora attuale.

Dal 1974 al 1977 si è busy planning and calculation in direct collaboration with prestigious engineering and architectural studies headed by world-renowned personalities in the field such as Alvar Aalto, Kenzo Tange, and Trebbi Gresleri, while developing an intense collaboration with the technical structure of the Faculty of Engineering of 'University of Bologna. The commitment of considerable importance for the design and execution of the works of international importance which the Church of Riola Vergato, the Towers of Bologna Exhibition Centre, the entire District Tiburtino III in Rome, the Centergross of Bologna, Ferrara and Florence, entire neighborhoods in Porto Empedocles in Sicily and the establishment of a new "Urbe" called "Katif" in Saudi Arabia.
technical and professional experience and training of excellence acquired by Eliseo during Zanasi Emilia represent factors of great importance, when, due to the untimely death of his father Erminio, acquired in 1977 the ownership of the building "and Zanasi Moschella, "which marked the building development of the city of Foggia. The following years saw him engaged in the construction of public facilities in their city, such as amphitheater and swimming pool, vocational schools, local markets, the Municipal Stadium. At the same time the company "Zanasi Moschella and" start an organic program design and implementation of major housing complexes private, providing practical beginning the phase of regeneration in the city of Foggia.
In 1989 he was assigned to Elisha Zanasi the President of the Chamber of Construction Industry and Vice Chairman of the captains of Industry (Confindustria Foggia), after holding the posts of member of the Committee and the Board of Directors. He also played for many years chairman of the Public Works Capitanata Consortium, based in Foggia, an organization that has played a key role in the building sector in the province by providing easier, corporate promotion, and all ' award of works contracts, public and / or private, for the benefit of the consortium.
From July 2000 to October 2003, Elisha Zanasi has served as President of the Building Fund of captains, bilateral body of primary importance for the development of the economy and employment in the province of Foggia. In May 2006 he was elected president of Confindustria Foggia, remaining a member of the Steering Committee of the Chamber of Builders. Elisha
Zanasi is also Chairman of the Economic and Social Partnership Strategic Plan for Wide Area "led 2020", dell'Assonautica Provincial President, Vice President of the Foundation South South East Bari and Agribusiness Regional Vice President of the District (DARe.). Before his election as President of the Chamber of Commerce, in July 2008, has been since 2003 member of the Council Chamber. In 2009 he was appointed member of the National Board of Confindustria and the Executive Committee of the National Union of Chambers of Commerce (Unioncamere).