Monday, June 14, 2010

Real Housewives Monokini

Hot new play list

Arriva il caldo e ci si prepara a una serie di allenamenti hot.
In previsine della maratona di Tromso, vado a rifare la mia play list.
Qualcuno mi da una mano?

io comincerei con un

In versione originale, course.

continue with what?

Fat, now spring the doorknob is not an ice cream and a TIP :-)

muerte made the person (he knows I'm talking to him)) the second track I thought of a Thunderstruck by AC / DC, what do you say? :-)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What Does It Take To Work In A Group Home

medical bulletin for the Friar

also had to happen to me sooner or later, right?
And so it was, even if on purpose, when you need it hath been all broken.
begin with a pain in the right heel, developed tendinitis in a small, annoying and slightly painful, but not paralyzing. It continues with
un'altrattanta pupalgia annoying that haunts me for months. It is not so severe that it painful to have a stop, but only a little care.
And the last time after the Cortina - Dobbiaco, I won the fight of a jinx mega hamstring contracture. The latter was highly disabling in training, I would say blocker.
So are a couple of weeks since the first run and was running short. Total ... 4 weeks in a little over 40km of average aa week. It did not take this the eve of Tromso. So lay down their arms and come as I'm going to enjoy the marathon in question. Not that the first had ambitions details, but at least something nice, after training at 3:09 Piceno, would go.
patience Oh well, Monday morning I went by the massage therapist, I have literally disintegrated muscle, are now 2 days that I have a bad shooting, but the contraction seems gone. Yesterday, a few miles to mild pace, but pushing a bit, fortunately, the pain seems to have disappeared. Now finally I can push to 3.50, dropped to below 4.20 before as I saw the stars. Now as we said
running out to Tromso, and we'll honor the colors of Blue blogtrotter in the land of the north, a border land, a land of conquest.
Kenyan brothers put up the colors of the battle and never give up!
O God ... maybe we lose a few pieces on the street, but die hard :-) Until muerte! (Bress dicet)

And now that the clinical report was given, Fat shut the door and hope for the best, the departure is planned for Friday 18 at 13.00 from Malpensa. The Kenyan Brother
Nerry forever with the comunication Clore here and see you latrine! ups, no "later" I mean :-)

For Everyone knows that to be a "Hero of champions"!