Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Grethchen Monokini Bathing Suit

Elisha Zanasi: the business register as an instrument of law Elisha

“La Camera di Commercio รจ da tempo impegnata in iniziative a sostegno della  sicurezza and legality, not only through moments of discussion and debate but also provides tools and services dedicated to the business system, which can also support the action of the judiciary and law enforcement. " It 'as said President of the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, Eliseo Zanasi, in presenting the conference on "THE REGISTER OF COMPANIES AS A TOOL OF LEGALITY", to be held tomorrow Thursday, November 25, 2010 beginning at 15 in the Blue Room of The Chamber. The meeting was reserved for magistrates and police, will present Ri.Visual, the information tool developed by Infocamere which offers the advantage of a graphic-visual representation of data to provide an immediate perception of the relations existing between companies and people. "This is an event of particular significance - added the President of CCCI in Foggia, Eliseo Zanasi - because the contrast to the so-called illegal economy also involves the use of IT tools and innovative technologies that can ensure the effective sharing databases through the networking of information useful to those who are daily engaged in the prevention and contrast of the crime. The law, therefore, as a fundamental element of social and economic development, as since December 2008in we stated at a sitting council chamber just dedicated to safety and the fight against crime, with the assistance of trade associations, trade unions, magistrates and other authorities intervened on that occasion. Social tensions and fibrillation in being on our territory we do today to reaffirm that in order to ensure development opportunities and enhancing the production system - thus matching the expectations of well-being of our community and future generations - there must first be a cultural response based on lines of behavior principles, including adherence to common rules and their substantial compliance. On this subject Chamber of Commerce of Foggia is and remains at the forefront, with a fruitful interplay between the business system and the world of work, which reaffirmed their unequivocal commitment every day. "