Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yoga - To Rid Sleepiness

1 - 2 - 3 / Ready attention away

Riecchime cronies.
have been absent for a while, xchè? suppose listlessness and commitments.

I competed in four half-
Half of Lake Caldaro: 1.23
Half of Villa Lagarina: 1.22
Half of Florence: 1.21
Half of Merano: 1.25

Purtroppo i tempi per un motivo o l'altro non sono venuti, un pò per giusti motivi un pò per stanchezza.
Al lago di Caldaro la mezza è molto difficile e piena di salite, a Firenze ha piovuto come dio la mandava e correre sui porfidi fiorentini, non porta a fare il tempo, a Villa lagarin era un caldo mostruoso, e a Merano, bhe Merano non c'ero con la testa e dopo aver visto che non riuscivo a fare meno di 1.21 ho tirato i remi in barca per arrivare in felicità con il mio fratello Keniano a braccia alzate.

Ora finita la serie delle mezze riposo un pochettino, poco poco è. Poi mi ributto e mi impongo una tabella di 40 giorni per avvicnarmi a Tromso (seguirà post)

Mi fermo una settimana or two with loads of work over 90km because I have a suspected groin and I would not hurt me at all. But only after 3 4 days the pain disappeared and it was just fatigue easily. Let's hope so

I write just to say hello and give you a feel for prissima with new adventures and new stories.

Fat is a little bit that you're not waiting for them behind the door, close or not close?

Friday, April 23, 2010

How To Calibrate Planter

Meet a new friend

guys are here today not for my training or my results, but to introduce a friend who I met over a year ago, of course, thanks to the passion for racing. His name is Krishna
Dovadola, has recently become a blogtrotter opening his blog under the nickname of " arirun . Welcome him with open arms as the only blogtrotter can do. (Some of you already have addocchiato and commented on his blog ... connoisseurs!)
Kri has just been in the Boston Marathon and will not reveal the outcome, but I hate it that me, because it's always a bit more me, I'll let the facciazza her! Kri
Bravo, you're a metronome still impressive given the partial, only for a few weeks have been ahead of you and then I have risuperato, now I commit myself to beat your PB!

2737 Dovadola Krishna M 34 "Massalombarda" ITA
0:19:00 10K: 0:38:29
15K: 0:58:10 20K
1:18:06 Half: 1:22:25 25K
1:38:09 30K: 1:58:31
35k: 2:18:58 40k
: 2:38:55
Finish: 2:47:31

FIRST OF ITALIANS IN BOSTON (Beaten by a woman ... but the Genovese aaa Kri to 2.29 gave you the straw :-))

Ps. Cri However, you are at his heels! Until the 35th seems my time in NY.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How To Remove Algae From Pontoons

A dispassionate advice! Fire and Rain

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Never mind.
The power of beauty and youth will understand once dried.
But trust me, in twenty years you'll look back at photos.
And in a way you can not imagine now.

Quante possibilità avevi di fronte
e che aspetto magnifico avevi!
Non eri per niente grasso come ti sembrava.

Non preoccuparti del futuro.
Oppure preoccupati ma sapendo che questo ti aiuta quanto masticare un chewing-gum per risolvere un'equazione algebrica.

I veri problemi della vita saranno sicuramente cose che non ti erano mai passate per la mente, di quelle che ti pigliano di sorpresa alle quattro di un pigro martedì pomeriggio.

Fa' una cosa ogni giorno che sei spaventato: canta!

Non essere crudele col cuore degli altri.
Non tollerare la gente who are reckless with yours.


not waste time on jealousy: Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind.
The race is long and, ultimately, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults.
If we succeed in doing this, tell me how ...

Keep your old love letters,
Throw away your old bank statements.


Do not feel guilty if you do not know what to do with your life.
The most interesting people I know at twenty-two did not know what to do with their lives. The most interesting forty
I know still do not know.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone

Maybe you'll marry, maybe not.
Maybe you'll have children, maybe not.
Maybe you'll divorce at forty. Perhaps
dance with her at the seventy-fifth wedding anniversary.
Whatever you do, do not congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either but
: your choices are half chance,
as those of anyone else.

Enjoy your body, use it
in all the ways you can,
without fear and without fear of what people think.
It 's the greatest instrument you'll ever have.

Although you have nowhere to do it but your living room.

Read the directions, even if you do not follow.
Do not read beauty magazines
will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents,
You never know when they'll be gone forever.
Be nice to your siblings,
are the best link with the past
and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but some
, the most valuable, will remain.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the more
become older, you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York for a while ', but leave before it makes you hard.
Live in California for a while ', but leave before it makes you soft.

Do not mess with your hair: if not, when you're forty, it will look eighty-five.

Be careful whose advice,
but be patient with those who supply it.
I consigli sono una forma di nostalgia.
Dispensarli è un modo di ripescare il passato dal dimenticatoio,
ripulirlo, passare la vernice sulle parti più brutte
e riciclarlo per più di quel che valga.

Ma accetta il consiglio... per questa volta.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sayings About Evenings

born 'Consortia' agri-food companies now make system

The aim is the internationalization
; • A single voice for the region and the captains of companies. With input from the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia was born "spouse", the association intends to coordinate all the forces operating in the province in the food sector, tourism, hotels, industrial, commercial, trade and services. In short, a sort of regal, with the task of the system. The signing of the Statute by the consortia who have already joined the initiative took place today with the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Eliseo Zanasi, the Secretary General Chamber of Commerce, Matthew Mauro, and the President of the Fair of Foggia, Fedele Cannerozzi, Congress Hall of the fairgrounds that is hosting these days il grande Salone dell'Agroalimentare Euro&Med Food, che chiuderà i battenti domani. "L'Ente camerale è con i consorzi" - ha detto il presidente Eliseo Zanasi. "Se i vari settori si mostrano all'esterno consorziati, dunque efficienti e organizzati - ha aggiunto - possono meglio affrontare le sfide della qualità e dell'internazionalizzazione. Si tratta, dunque, di un consorzio di sistema". "Noi proponiamo un metodo di lavoro - ha invece sottolineato il Segretario Ge   nerale della Camera di Commercio, Matteo di Mauro - perchè abbiamo avvertito la necessità del territorio. Gli Enti e le Istituzioni che insistono su sistemi e reti - Continued - are an added value to this strong association. "Bringing together the power of consortia - Fedele said Cannerozzi - is the most intelligent that we can to grow our economy mine." Some representatives of the consortia who have spoken in the debate have welcomed the initiative and argued that "spouse" is essential for the growth of all consortia and consortia, because as the industry and then the marketing of their products. In short - have supported the representatives of the consortia - Consortia can provide that structure or   ganizzativa tale da poter imporre le imprese locali sul mercato italiano ed estero. E l'esempio di Euro&Med Food è sintomatico di come un'organizzazione efficiente riesca a promuovere i prodotti di qualità del territorio agli operatori mondiali. E anche l’UnionAlimentari rilancia a Foggia struttura per l’inter nazionalizzazione. La nascita di “Consor - tia” spinge l’Unione nazionale piccola e media industria alimentari a rilanciare anche a Foggia l’iniziativa, promossa un mese fa a Rimini, per insediare una struttura di supporto alle azioni di internazionalizzazione delle piccole e medie imprese. «L’export alimentare - Emilio says Paglialonga, president of UnionAlimentari Confapi-Foggia - is the primary goal that our organization has and we intend to pursue a service structure for equipping many member companies. " "The growth of enrollments in UnionAlimentari - concludes Paglialonga - leads us to a major organizational effort to facilitate communication between companies Foggia and international markets, starting with those of the free trade-€ Mediterranean where it affirmed the value of the quality of our productions. "

(Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno)

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Success The Salon at Foggia. Zanasi, "Edition positive, our products are in demand all over the world," Elisha

FOGGIA - "The budget of Euro & Med Food is absolutely positive there are calls for our organic products from around the world." So Elisha Zanasi, President of Confindustria and the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, says satisfied with the success of the fifth edition of the fair-food Fair of Foggia. Inaugurated last Thursday, Euro & Med Food will close tonight at 20. Over 100 foreign buyers come from Europe, Asia and the Americas, have closed dozens of business with the Apulian producers in the sector. The food
with 94,163 firms active in the area is a leading sector of the economy Puglia alone represents 27.8% of the total number of regional businesses and employs more than 132mila employees. "The next edition - continues Zanasi - will be held in two years, but we are planning a business event without exhibitors for next year."
Meanwhile, organizers have indicated that you have exceeded the number of re visited last year: 60 thousand. And today the last day you could reach 100 thousand. Foreign buyers these days have been held about 120 meetings of bilateral partnership between Italian SMEs and international delegates of companies from France, Greece, Holland, Spain and Turkey. The Business to Business meetings, which took place in the technological area of \u200b\u200bHall 71, focused on broad themes ranging from innovative food products (functional foods and probiotics, foods) for the storage and packaging, to the reuse of waste products food industry (chemical extraction and use of waste). Fair was also held in the Meeting of the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCIE): 40 delegates, representing institutions canmerali Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBelgrade, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Istanbul, London, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Madrid, Marseille, Monaco, Nizza, Parigi, Mosca e Vienna. Tracciabilità Qr-code (dove l’acronimo sta per Quick response, risposta rapida) è l’innovativo sistema di etichettatura per gli oli extra vergine di alta qualità presentato a Euro&Med Food 2010.
La novità è stata illustrata nel corso di un incontro promosso e organizzato dall’Associazione provinciale olivicoltori di Foggia in collaborazione con il Consorzio nazionale olivicoltori. L’utilizzo del logo bidimensionale — già adottato da altri comparti commerciali, dalla pubblicità e anche per la manualistica di istruzione per macchine utensili e apparecchiature elettroniche — è il completamento del progetto traceability for the high quality of the oils under the actions of the EU Regulation 867/08. The QR-code allows to obtain information on extra virgin certificate is present in a given batch of bottles, cameras in widespread use of mobile phones to read text and connect to a website or a preloaded movie on the web.
Angelo Alfonso Centrone
March 29, 2010

(from the

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Zanasi President of the District Lands Federiciane

Zanasi Eliseo was elected President of the Regional Food Production District "Terre Federiciane. The important position gli è stata attribuita all'unanimità nel corso della riunione del Comitato di Distretto tenutasi oggi presso la Camera di Commercio di Foggia.
Il Distretto Terre Federiciane conta la presenza di oltre 650 imprese agricole e agroalimentari di tutta la Puglia e il suo Comitato di Distretto è forte di una ampia rappresentativià di settore, essendo composto dalle principali organizzazioni di rappresentanza delle categorie produttive, dei lavoratori, della ricerca e del sistema delle camere di commercio pugliesi.
Il Presidente Eliseo Zanasi , nel ringraziare le diverse rappresentanze per la fiducia accordatagli, ha ricordato che il Distretto Terre Federiciane si propone come partner privilegiato della Regione Puglia nell'attuazione delle sue politiche di programmazione e sviluppo del settore agricolo e agroalimentare.
Eliseo Zanasi è Presidente di Camera di Commercio di Foggia, di Confindustria Foggia e Vice Presidente di Unioncamere Puglia.

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Non son qui oggi per parlarvi di corsa o di risultati e allenamenti, i 100 km alla settimana e la mezza a 1.21 sotto un diluvio universale poco importano, al cospetto di cotantopiacere nel sentire questa canzone.
Mi limito solo a riprendere il titolo della canzone per farvi immaginare le sensazioni che si possono provare a correre sotto un'acqua gelida a 10 gradi sui porfidi di Firenze.
apologized for the report to which I had NOT used to, but sometimes there are more important things to see and hear.

Congratulations to those who ran 63km in Ireland!