Monday, April 12, 2010

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Success The Salon at Foggia. Zanasi, "Edition positive, our products are in demand all over the world," Elisha

FOGGIA - "The budget of Euro & Med Food is absolutely positive there are calls for our organic products from around the world." So Elisha Zanasi, President of Confindustria and the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, says satisfied with the success of the fifth edition of the fair-food Fair of Foggia. Inaugurated last Thursday, Euro & Med Food will close tonight at 20. Over 100 foreign buyers come from Europe, Asia and the Americas, have closed dozens of business with the Apulian producers in the sector. The food
with 94,163 firms active in the area is a leading sector of the economy Puglia alone represents 27.8% of the total number of regional businesses and employs more than 132mila employees. "The next edition - continues Zanasi - will be held in two years, but we are planning a business event without exhibitors for next year."
Meanwhile, organizers have indicated that you have exceeded the number of re visited last year: 60 thousand. And today the last day you could reach 100 thousand. Foreign buyers these days have been held about 120 meetings of bilateral partnership between Italian SMEs and international delegates of companies from France, Greece, Holland, Spain and Turkey. The Business to Business meetings, which took place in the technological area of \u200b\u200bHall 71, focused on broad themes ranging from innovative food products (functional foods and probiotics, foods) for the storage and packaging, to the reuse of waste products food industry (chemical extraction and use of waste). Fair was also held in the Meeting of the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCIE): 40 delegates, representing institutions canmerali Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBelgrade, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Istanbul, London, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Madrid, Marseille, Monaco, Nizza, Parigi, Mosca e Vienna. Tracciabilità Qr-code (dove l’acronimo sta per Quick response, risposta rapida) è l’innovativo sistema di etichettatura per gli oli extra vergine di alta qualità presentato a Euro&Med Food 2010.
La novità è stata illustrata nel corso di un incontro promosso e organizzato dall’Associazione provinciale olivicoltori di Foggia in collaborazione con il Consorzio nazionale olivicoltori. L’utilizzo del logo bidimensionale — già adottato da altri comparti commerciali, dalla pubblicità e anche per la manualistica di istruzione per macchine utensili e apparecchiature elettroniche — è il completamento del progetto traceability for the high quality of the oils under the actions of the EU Regulation 867/08. The QR-code allows to obtain information on extra virgin certificate is present in a given batch of bottles, cameras in widespread use of mobile phones to read text and connect to a website or a preloaded movie on the web.
Angelo Alfonso Centrone
March 29, 2010

(from the


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