Friday, July 23, 2010

Painless 1cm Lymph Node


"It is never too much attention to the social, from institutions and categories of representation, should be advised regarding the issues of crime and homeland security. "Not only is the escalation murderer who has recently begun to shed blood in our province, but also the aggravation of crimes to persons and assets have to feel, today more than ever, the urgency to strengthen the actions of law enforcement, and especially to strengthen measures to encourage awareness of the community, as the sole garrison to fight delinquency and organized crime. "
are the words of President Eliseo Zanasi steadfast commitment to the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia in the "Mafia Day No", the day the law organized for Saturday, July 24 to Manfredonia .
criminal phenomena affect the daily work of all components of production, are already heavily affected by the crisis is the opinion expressed by Ente chamber - and the current strategies of organized crime, in addition to maintaining the goals of taking control of the territory, tend to attacking more and more business activity.
measures requested by the traders, artisans, from businesses and banks, are the signs of a crime level is no longer tolerable, which deal with organic and targeted interventions, enforcement, law enforcement and prevention.
is not part of an alarm: the productive sectors are well aware that the law is a superstructure covering the entire value of community, and if the community live and prosper in security and, therefore, within the law, we live and thrive enterprises and develop the territories.
For this, the world economy is on the side of institutions and expressions of civil society and offers its full readiness to participate in actions that serve to strengthen the legal system.
actions which must be placed in an organic program, occupying the first carriage return the political agenda.


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