Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Elisha Zanasi opens the fiftieth anniversary of ' Regional Union sugar beet growers Pugliesi

eliseo zanasi
Elisha Zanasi
New prospects for beet growing in the South is the theme of the conference sponsored and organized by the Apulian Regional growers in the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation to be held Friday, December 17, 2010 at 16 in the Blue Room of the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia. A momentodi reflection and discussion with the institutions and representatives of the sugar beet industry-saccariferasulle new perspectives that are outlined for the sector, after the conclusion of any agreement as innovative decision and completion CIPE has finally allocated aid due for the years 2009 and 2010. The schedule of events includes the opening speech of ELISEO ZANASI, President Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, which will be followed by the introductory speech of President John Tamburro Union Regional Vice President and growers Puglia of the National Consortium growers. The conference will continue with the planned interventions CLAUDIO DI FLORIO Sugar CEO of Molise, LUIGI HONEY President Order Doctors of Agronomy and Doctors of Forestry in the province of Foggia, President of the National Consortium ALESSANDRO Mincon growers, President Giuseppe Politi Italian Confederation of Farmers, PETER Salcuni President Association for the Reclamation of the captains, AGOSTINO SEVI Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Foggia, DARIO STEFANO Councillor Agri-Resources Region Puglia. The conclusions will be given by PAUL DE CASTRO President of the European Parliament Agriculture Committee. In 1960 the Association was formed by captains growers, growers today The Regional Union of Puglia, it was the epoch of an event of great significance for the simultaneous action of three factors: the opening of factories in the province of Foggia, strengthening industry associations, and then the whole sugar-beet industry, the birth of the first territorial association the following year joined the National Consortium for growers (CNB), founded at the initiative of all the organizations which have established devices in the meantime. Over fifty years the sector has experienced profound changes in economic, regulatory, technical, scientific and organizational, with the captains always been a point of reference throughout the South and the protagonist of the various phases that have affected the Italian sugar-beet industry . Initiatives for the Cinquantenaire, promoted by the Apulian Regional growers in a co-organizer with the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, also provide a photographic exhibition in collaboration with the School of Arts Perugini di Foggia, e la prima edizione del Premio Giornalistico “Bieticoltura Domani”.


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