Sunday, February 28, 2010

Diablotek Da Series 400-watt Atx

Technical tests of transmission

Ecco... dopo una settimana di "scagazzamenti" vari cosa uno si poteva aspettare da una 30km
Leggerezza :-)
Invece la 30 Belluno-Feltre è stata affrontata con gambe pesantissime e un grosso fastidio allo stomaco.
Scende l'amico Simone da Monaco per quetsa gara e non posso mancare ne deludere.
Si parte di buon mattino per Feltre dove si lascia la macchina e si sale a Belluno in compagnia di quasi tutta la Fulminea.
Preparazioni varie, e test di tenuta dell'orifizio sottoposto a scosse di magnitudo 8.8 come il Perù.
Sembra quasi tutto bene, e si parte.
I primi km volano con tutta la voglia che avevo di correre dopo 7gg di stop.
Un fastidio sempre presente alla bocca dello stomaco mi disturba ogni 2 o 3 km, a great feeling of acidity, but it continues to push as forecast leggemrnete 4 or below. The average
goes quiet and the half-step in a perfect 1.24, sign of 4min per km.
continuity between the ups and downs of the race that never stops. At 23 °
begins the final ascent of almost 4km. Up to 27 ° suffer an almost embarrassing climb km of making really understated, but I can not spin the legs I have more strength to push upward, despite not having given everything km in the past.
fact as the ground becomes less harsh and lowers the average is a beautiful piece and the last 3k them let us fly to 3.50.
I close a minute or two above what I had planned 2:01 a.m. '. But the Eche positive I got really cool, fresh, not in trouble and not even out of breath despite the final sprint. This means Chei km facts have been done well in training and that training is despite the stop of a week. Then
partying and chatting waiting for the awards. And this picture
live motive of the day.

Good racing to all

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Backgrounds Proshow Gold

Someone take me away from here

How to sing the music of slaves

Someone take me away from here. A week
stop, no miles, loss of salts and liquids. Tomorrow
30k to Belluno Feltre and the desire to run and hear the heart beating.
bad as la muerte (Bress dicet)

Good race

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blue Plastic Sleds From The 80's

Bress Sorry, but it was a day of M. ...

Come to order.
I prepare to Verona Marathon with a very elastic. Running
half to a nice pace, or run the first half to pace Bress and continue for the marathon, and mettereun bit of kilometers in my legs.
I choose to accompany the President of the lightning mitoco Running in his adventure.
introduced me to start a little sleepy and some stomach problem, but this is normal for me now.
Party without the incorciatore Bress, a little, but the pluck on the track. At the 3rd km
I stop and look and start to run with him to hold on the rhythm that we had prepared.
overcome the balloons of the marathon of 3 hours and keep quiet.
If not that, at one point felt a sharp pain in the stomach to the 7km. A stimulus compelling. I guess my usual stomach ache from the cold, and I continue to believe that running away. Instead nothing, look at the Bress trudging behind me and say that the first "process" I stop. I can barely reach the 10 km mark and I'll jump in chemical refreshment.
I'm for more than 5 min with pain and all that entails stop when you are very sweaty already.
I leave the bathroom and my friends cross dell'AtletiaRotaliana, ask me how I greet them back and so they laugh :-) giustamente.
A questo punto decido che la maratona non fa per me oggi, il dolore allo stomaco continua anche se più sopportabile, comincio cosi dal 10°km una allenamento di velocità, decido di spingere tutto quello che ho, sempre con le dovute proporzioni, visto che sono stato rinchiuso in un bagno fino apoco fà.
Comincio cosi a spingere a fare degli scatti e dei km costanti sotto i 3.50. Passo le persone al doppio della velocità, con qualcuno che mi urla, "ma dove vuoi andare"
Fatto èche alla fine gli ultimi 3 km sono ancora i più veloci. L'ultimo km in città lo spingo a 3.38, per poi arrivare nell'aera e al traguardo.
Chiudo la mia "agonia" a 1.31 di tempo reale con sosta ai box, and 1.26 with the stop.
dry closed 5 minutes in the bathroom, and a slow pace at first, I shall still be happy with the result.
Now I am home 2 days a prey to the virus with 39 of fever and forth between the bedroom and bathroom. Bress
Sorry, but the M. .. did not let me take you to the end, I sincerely hope that you take before the end, m you go too well anhée sena pacer.
Good race all