Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blue Plastic Sleds From The 80's

Bress Sorry, but it was a day of M. ...

Come to order.
I prepare to Verona Marathon with a very elastic. Running
half to a nice pace, or run the first half to pace Bress and continue for the marathon, and mettereun bit of kilometers in my legs.
I choose to accompany the President of the lightning mitoco Running in his adventure.
introduced me to start a little sleepy and some stomach problem, but this is normal for me now.
Party without the incorciatore Bress, a little, but the pluck on the track. At the 3rd km
I stop and look and start to run with him to hold on the rhythm that we had prepared.
overcome the balloons of the marathon of 3 hours and keep quiet.
If not that, at one point felt a sharp pain in the stomach to the 7km. A stimulus compelling. I guess my usual stomach ache from the cold, and I continue to believe that running away. Instead nothing, look at the Bress trudging behind me and say that the first "process" I stop. I can barely reach the 10 km mark and I'll jump in chemical refreshment.
I'm for more than 5 min with pain and all that entails stop when you are very sweaty already.
I leave the bathroom and my friends cross dell'AtletiaRotaliana, ask me how I greet them back and so they laugh :-) giustamente.
A questo punto decido che la maratona non fa per me oggi, il dolore allo stomaco continua anche se più sopportabile, comincio cosi dal 10°km una allenamento di velocità, decido di spingere tutto quello che ho, sempre con le dovute proporzioni, visto che sono stato rinchiuso in un bagno fino apoco fà.
Comincio cosi a spingere a fare degli scatti e dei km costanti sotto i 3.50. Passo le persone al doppio della velocità, con qualcuno che mi urla, "ma dove vuoi andare"
Fatto èche alla fine gli ultimi 3 km sono ancora i più veloci. L'ultimo km in città lo spingo a 3.38, per poi arrivare nell'aera e al traguardo.
Chiudo la mia "agonia" a 1.31 di tempo reale con sosta ai box, and 1.26 with the stop.
dry closed 5 minutes in the bathroom, and a slow pace at first, I shall still be happy with the result.
Now I am home 2 days a prey to the virus with 39 of fever and forth between the bedroom and bathroom. Bress
Sorry, but the M. .. did not let me take you to the end, I sincerely hope that you take before the end, m you go too well anhée sena pacer.
Good race all


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