Sunday, February 28, 2010

Diablotek Da Series 400-watt Atx

Technical tests of transmission

Ecco... dopo una settimana di "scagazzamenti" vari cosa uno si poteva aspettare da una 30km
Leggerezza :-)
Invece la 30 Belluno-Feltre è stata affrontata con gambe pesantissime e un grosso fastidio allo stomaco.
Scende l'amico Simone da Monaco per quetsa gara e non posso mancare ne deludere.
Si parte di buon mattino per Feltre dove si lascia la macchina e si sale a Belluno in compagnia di quasi tutta la Fulminea.
Preparazioni varie, e test di tenuta dell'orifizio sottoposto a scosse di magnitudo 8.8 come il Perù.
Sembra quasi tutto bene, e si parte.
I primi km volano con tutta la voglia che avevo di correre dopo 7gg di stop.
Un fastidio sempre presente alla bocca dello stomaco mi disturba ogni 2 o 3 km, a great feeling of acidity, but it continues to push as forecast leggemrnete 4 or below. The average
goes quiet and the half-step in a perfect 1.24, sign of 4min per km.
continuity between the ups and downs of the race that never stops. At 23 °
begins the final ascent of almost 4km. Up to 27 ° suffer an almost embarrassing climb km of making really understated, but I can not spin the legs I have more strength to push upward, despite not having given everything km in the past.
fact as the ground becomes less harsh and lowers the average is a beautiful piece and the last 3k them let us fly to 3.50.
I close a minute or two above what I had planned 2:01 a.m. '. But the Eche positive I got really cool, fresh, not in trouble and not even out of breath despite the final sprint. This means Chei km facts have been done well in training and that training is despite the stop of a week. Then
partying and chatting waiting for the awards. And this picture
live motive of the day.

Good racing to all


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