Monday, May 17, 2010

Real Gold Desert Eagle

The head Piceno leg

After some hesitation, I decided to do the marathon in the Piceno ritno training (Nobody believes)
program erapartire rallenatare spry and then after 30 and get decently relaxed to continue training through fine the week without needing to stop for some pain in my legs or something.
I wanted to keep the balloons of the 3, since the long sea journey, I feared the wind more than anything else. But there were many people at the start and a nice bunch of people went out fast and I attacked. Well until the 10th where I regret I discovered that almost all the group was traveling under 4 ', would have finished the race. How to turn all of that and I rhyme almost single :-( but no, the bastardiiiii! Not one that comes with me? Damn it I stand alone km to grind against the wind with no change.
Oh well never mind, now they are in dance and dance. I continue to run relaxed between 3'58 "and 4'04". The legs turn right. At one point addocchio one or two people in front of me and my dicide to be gregarious. I'm going to take a start and a good step to 4 '. We reach the halfway point, and my long-feared sea, wind gusts, but no signs of abating. I leave the gragario to cut the air. has a good step, it is the place, knows the roads and help me for quite a while, until he turns around and says, "you say, let us change the wind" straguzzo eyes and I gladly accept, premettengo "But I'm also a bit on the hook or" :-) I do my
work for a couple of miles and then return again myself. Towards the 27 legs still run well there is breath and my friend is still looking fresh.
a strange thing happens. I miss her strength, but not on the legs, but in the rest of the body ... bho. Oh well I let go patience my friend and I raise my foot sull'accelleratore. I keep trying to keep the pace under 4'10 ". Turning point for the 30k, I will stop cursing the rest of the Alpine (aaa what a fine dining), but I'm not down anything, just a bit about yourself and a bit of water. Oh well patience, chatting with two men and feathered allotment. I decide to stay a while to see if the body back a bit to light up again. The legs continue to have force, but the rest of the body follows me at all. I look i palloncini delle 3 che mi riprendono ai 35k. E come prevedevo non riesco nemmeno a tenere il loro ritmo. E qui decido di non farmi del male. I successivi 7k sono n calvario e non vedo l'ora di rientrare. Il corpo s'è addormentato defenitivamente.
Bho non so cosa sia successo. se fosse stata una crisi, leprime a non rispondere sarebbero state le gambe. ma cosi non è stato. E' stato tutto il resto del corpo che ha ceduto, stomaco vuoto e forse anche una carica psicologica poco convinta.
Comunque, finisco in 3h09" e una manciatra di secondi. al 33esimo posto. Pensando che al 30esimo ero 11esimo assoluto...
Pazienza, un bell'allenamento con molte sensazioni e che è servito più che altro a tarare un pò le cose.
Ora sò that his legs for 4 'at km there are just sharpen a bit length. The feeling is not straining at all and have a safe stride to clear up to 3'50 "at km.
Let's lavoarci above.
I close the week with 98.5km and perhaps even have some influence performance.
It continues. And I would hope for Tromso.

This is how much.
Good race everyone!


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