Friday, May 28, 2010

Toilet Fill Up Faster



the smugglers and was the most heinous among robbers Romagna. He was born in 1824 to Boncellino of Bagnacavallo , village in the heart of Romagna , about ten miles from Ravenna, and was killed in March 1851 a subsidiary of the Russian Pontifical Gendarmerie Apollinaris Fantini.
in his youth attended a private school , but dropped to third grade, after a few failures. Fugitive

during a transfer to Ancona, where he was serving a sentence is four years of hard labor in the adaptation of the new dock for the theft of two shotguns, and three years in prison for escaping from prison Bagnacavallo, and gave himself to the spot , he joined a group of highly variable as consistency and areas of action, which (as Use one of the robbers at the time) he became the real leader, but a very important point of reference.

The group soon became a band increasingly large, bold, tough and capable of violence efferatissime, who worked for three years in the Papal Legations keeping in check the police through an extensive network of spies, informants, pimps , fences, and even men of the police. Useful also connivance with the poorest people, rewarded with the proceeds of his thefts and robberies. These were gifts that helped create his reputation as a "Robin Hood " Romagna. Even Garibaldi was forced to consider the Pelloni as a rebellious anti-papal and anti-Austrian.

Actually Passatore was considered by his contemporaries nothing but a criminal charge sowed violence and killing with sadism, was, for example, the only nineteenth century robber had to cut some of the victims. [2] In one case, Pelloni shot a man in cold blood simply because one of his had suggested that it was a spy.

A typical modus operandi of the gang was the "signature" of their crimes: a crime made were declared out loud the name and nickname of the figure of reference, Pelloni, in fact, that was called "de Stuvan Passador" from the first core bandwidth, active in the woods of Bristol. Was also characteristic scorn towards the Power which were often conceived actions, but the Pelloni was consigned to history, especially for real military occupation of entire countries - Bagnara di Romagna (February 16, 1849), Cotignola ( January 17, 1850), Castel Guelph (January 27, 1850), Brisbane (February 7, 1850), long (28 maggio 1850), Consandolo (9 gennaio 1851) e Forlimpopoli (sabato, 25 gennaio 1851) - durante le quali metteva a sacco le abitazioni dei più ricchi, che venivano torturati e seviziati per farsi rivelare i nascondigli degli scudi e delle gioie.

Rimase celebre l'occupazione di Forlimpopoli, avvenuta nella notte del 25 gennaio 1851 . Durante l'intervallo di una rappresentazione, i briganti penetrarono nel Teatro Comunale (oggi teatro Verdi ): saliti sul palcoscenico, puntarono le armi contro gli spettatori terrorizzati e facendo l'appello rapinarono uno ad uno i ricchi presenti in sala. Fra le famiglie rapinate vi fu anche quella di Pellegrino Artusi . At harvest concluded the bandits went to rape some women, and among them Gertrude, sister of Artusi, who went mad. The story of the Theatre Forlimpopoli became so popular as to be praised for decades, storytellers from [3] . The activity of

Pelloni ended in March 1851 . Betrayed by one of his own, eager to cash in on the rich cuts, "de Stuvan Pasador" was chosen by the Pontifical Gendarmerie in a hunting lodge of the estate Moles, near Russians, was killed in the firefight that ensued . His body was placed on a cart and shown for all roads of Romagna, a demonstration of the end of the robber.


His exploits inspired the muse popular oral recall (which emphasizes his generosity, which has become legendary) and cultured by Arnaldo Fusinato to Giovanni Pascoli (who in poetry Romagna its idealized figure, evoking precisely as Passator Cortese ).

The connotations of the Passatore differ significantly from the iconography that made him famous, became widespread after the war following the launch of the brand of 'Ente Tutela Vini Romagnoli, "which depicted the resembling a shepherd-robber Lucan (probably Carmine Crocco ) and armed with archaic "trombone", when in fact he used the best weapons available at that time. Stefano Pelloni was very different even in the face, and dress up: about a meter high and seventies, a right size for half of the nineteenth century in Romagna, blacks had the hair, brown eyes and forehead. In particular, the face, oblong and pale, did not show any beard. At that time, under any particular Passatore, was shown look grim: this is possible because Stefano Pelloni had a burning sulfur under the eye left.

Pelloni is dedicated to the figure of 100 km of the Passatore , that from a walking competition held annually 1973 departing from and arriving in Florence Faenza.


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