Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ms And Bad Period Pain

Mores Trophy Dragon's Fly

Non si e' ancora conclusa la stagione agonistica del nostro Team, abbiamo l' ultimo appuntamento al Mugello lunedi 11 ottobre con Rossocorsa alla quale parteciperanno alcuni dei nostri piloti.
Ma veniamo al resoconto del nostro trofeo che si e' svolto a Mores il 27 e 28 settembre.
Ben 21 i piloti che si sono dati battaglia sul circuito Sardo.
8 piloti nella categoria fino a 250 e femminile, la classifica finale:
1° Bertoncini Simone (250 cc) 2 °
PLP (250 cc) 3 °
Gaggini Luca (250 cc)
4 ° Renucci Luca (250 cc)
5 ° Maicol Vanni (250 cc)
6 ° Francesco Guidi (125 cc)
7 ° Mussini Marina (600 cc)
8 ° Manuel Lunardi (125 cc)
A Note on Luke, Francis and Manuel who had first-hand experience in Mores.
The ranking of this class 'was made after the first day because' Manuel Francisco and commitment of their parents have returned home the evening of 27. These parents
Massimiliano Guidi Lunardi and Andrea (our great friend and supporter of the team and always Motoclub president of Castelnuovo Garfagnana) have had the chance to 'get off in pista per effettuare alcuni giri e nel caso di Massimiliano di provare anche la ghiaia di Mores per fortuna rimanendo in piedi.

Grande attesa per sapere chi avrebbe conquistato il TROFEO NEW DRAGON'S FLY. Il favorito dopo la prestazione di Magione era sicuramente il " TASSO " ma anche il Bilia in crescita al Mugello quindici giorni fa' e Riscy che quest' anno ha ritoccato non di poco i suoi "best lap" tutti pronti a vender cara la pelle.

PLP al rientro dopo la frattura di Magione e Miquik dopo l' infortunio al ginocchio mentre sempre agguerrito e pronto a far pagare la bistecca al Bilia si e' presentato Daniele Peretti.
Al termine del primo giorno il miglior tempo e' stato fatto registrare da Riscy e a follow rate, Daniel, Bilia, Miquik, Panda, Richard L. Stefo, Simon S. Conrad, Nicholas C. (son) Francis C. (father).
the first day and 'all really happened: Diego has just broken the engine of his Suzuki, nine drops in succession to finish and non-stop on lap PLP breaks the exchange of ducats (the only' igranaggio the third).
Day pass rate immediately to 'off a good attack and 52,791 who remains the best until the afternoon when, with a bit' of malice and craft but especially with a lot of courage and train new pirelli PLP can while not having the possibility 'of pull "the third" to tear a 52,700 which will remain 'the best time until the evening.
We've done it before time migliori ma alcune assenze importanti e complici le cadute del primo giorno ci hanno un po' frenato.
1° PLP 52.700
2° TASSO 52.791
3° RISCY 53.012
4° DANIELE 53.813
5° BILIA 54.079
12° NICOLA (ceci)
13° FRANCESCO (cecco).
Oltre alla coppa per tutti i partecipanti ai primi classificati e' stato dato il casco offerto dalla PREMIER ai secondi del materiale tecnjco offerto dalla BURN OUT , ai terzi una camicia Honda Offerta da MELAMOTO, ai quarti giacchetto ufficiale Dragon's Fly e ai quinti felpa PREMIER con logo Dragon 's Fly.
Diego who unfortunately broke the engine immediately and then goes out ranking our welcome in our team and good luck for next time.
among non-winners in the first five and was randomly selected third PREMIER helmet ever, the successful and 'Manuel Lunardi was that at the time of' extraction was not present.
A special thanks goes to our escorts Andrea, Massimiliano, Alessia, Ilene, Isabella and Omar and Vania Sweaters circuit mores.
Greetings to all

This is the podium of the class 250 and 125.

Here's a picture of the large group's Dragon Fly che si è sfidato sul circuito tecnico di Mores

Friday, September 24, 2010

Blog Etnies Trainers Post A Comment

According Trophy Mores

Siamo al secondo appuntamento for 2010 with the trophy NEW DRAGON'S FLY in Mores (SS) in the track is not very long but very technical run by our friend Omar Sweaters (fresh Italian Championship 'mountain car). Many of our riders are ready to do battle, and the formula 'always the same: two days (27 and September 28) two groups, the 1 250 cc and up to the women's 250 2nd open up'.
With regret we record some of these deficiencies Tizy MANOLO and certainly among the leaders of open and whites in the 250.
As always, all players will be rewarded with the usual "CUP" but the last edition, we are supported not only by historians also sponsor our sponsors who provide us with technical stuff like ditta PREMIER Helmets la Concessonaria HONDA MELAMOTO e l' Officina BURN-OUT.
Grazie a tutti per la collaborazione e vi terremo informati sugli sviluppi delle due giornate tramite il nostro sito gestito come sempre in maniera spettacolare da Tizy. CIAO :PIELLEPI

Al rientro anche PLP, al quale vanno i nostri migliori auguri, convalescente dopo la caduta sul circuito Umdro diMagione dove ha fatto registrare un tempo eccezionale e chissà quale tempo avrebbe registrato se concludeva le ultime due curve del tracciato.
PLP Gas in fondo da Tizy!!!!

(P.S. Mandatemi delle foto

How Do I Know The Voltage Of My Poe

Championship Speed \u200b\u200bAscent 2010

E' terminato il Campionato Italiano Salita al quale hanno partecipato alcuni dei nostri drivers with good results. Class 125
sp Bertoncini Simone (Berto) 2nd place only 3 points from 1
(unfortunately a small mistake at the start has undermined the 'last race but still amazing and consistent.)
Gaggini Luke 12 ° did not participate in all competitions losing valuable points but improving with every race. Class 250
sp Pieroni Frediano (Freddy) 2 ° after a stunning victory and the championship tiratissimo Sillano, sold the title after two years, "evergreen". Naked
Class James Gennaro 17 ° with a bike more 'original that has performed well with particularly detached from the chill. Class 600 Open
Mirko Tognetti (Goliath) 16 ° to the second year but he has not participated in all the races was a little bit penalized in the final score. "Always on the edge".
Class Supermotard Giancarlo Suffredini (Giancarlo ') 17 ° in a class with an average of 25/30 and starters' s result better.
Riccardo Stefani (Razzetti) 21 ° a season is not at full concentration so as to bring it to skip the 'last race but still a great handle.
Thanks to all for the 'commitment and above all the passion you have shown, from all the rest of the team and beyond.

(PS if you send me the photos public )

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ramipril Selling Point

September that crazy!

After a summer dedicated to the vagueness of purpose, it starts with September and a few decent workout. Yesterday
a series of 10k events at a fast pace so closed 3.50 in 38'18 "and another set of seeds unloading 5k to 4'05", so close to the 15k training at 3'56 "in 58min and something.

In Nua piogerellina good lap in and the feeling has not yet disposed of Sunday's race with adjoining intestinal problems.
Clearing a relaxing with some extension toward the end.

this week repeated the jump. Already I had made the last 6x1000 to 3'30 "and I expect laprossima 2 days of quality with the 4x2000 and 2x5000, we see that it comes out.

Avanti Savoia (No baby)
Fat is back and I came back too close to call laporta when you go out!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Angelina Jolie Makeuptips

Well after the post and your warm greetings of "welcome back", here I am again. They are not deliberately

all summer but now it begins again. Workouts

not too forced and seconded by the desire to run and the pleasure of running legs.

Km ... enough results, well, bad.
I ran a few races but a bit of laziness and a little bad luck (intestinal) is not that the results have been excellent.
But no matter there is now the target marathon in Athens.
There will be a long slow at the lake a few marathons and race preparation.
Vi terrò informato sugli allenamenti, come al solito.

Ps. Dessuadete Simone a convincermi a fare l'ironman il prossimo agosto, vi prego, sto cedendo piano piano alla goccia cinese del pazzo monachense :-)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Myammee And Sammie Dating

Zanasi: Great success for the Italian Pavilion at the International Fair of Marseille

Great success for the Italian Pavilion at the International Fair of Marseille, which this year was characterized by the "Path Organic", exhibition of organic food products supported by Unioncamere Puglia, Campania and Unioncamere BridgEconomies Consortium. Besides the exhibition and tasting of regional excellence, have made business meetings between companies from Puglia, Basilicata, Campania and Sicily and buyers selected by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Marseille, Provence in particular, the first economic partner with about € 2.5 billion of trade. At the inauguration ceremony was attended, among others, the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Marseille, France Carboys, the President of the Fair of Marseilles, Michel Kester, President of the International Asso Unioncamere and Campania, Augusto Strianese and Vice President Unioncamere Puglia and President of the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, Eliseo Zanasi, together with the institutional delegation, also present were Senator and Gianrico Carofiglio writer and dancer and choreographer Angelo Vergari occurred in Marseilles in a rich program of improvement of Puglia through theater, literature, cinema and music, organized by the local branch of the Italian Institute of Culture, which has seen inter alia, the representation of ' Andrea Chenier by Umberto Giordano. During the meetings between the business delegations of Puglia and Campania, in particular the President Eliseo Zanasi wanted to emphasize the importance of establishing stable relationships and to exchange expertise between the two regions of the Mediterranean, which have their nell'agroalimentare and tourism main strengths and tools of economic development.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Diamond All In Wonder Hd 1080


Ciao sono tornato.
Non chiedetemi dove sono stato tutto questo tempo.

Datemi solo un salutino e un abbraccio di ben tornato :-)