Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Angelina Jolie Makeuptips

Well after the post and your warm greetings of "welcome back", here I am again. They are not deliberately

all summer but now it begins again. Workouts

not too forced and seconded by the desire to run and the pleasure of running legs.

Km ... enough results, well, bad.
I ran a few races but a bit of laziness and a little bad luck (intestinal) is not that the results have been excellent.
But no matter there is now the target marathon in Athens.
There will be a long slow at the lake a few marathons and race preparation.
Vi terrĂ² informato sugli allenamenti, come al solito.

Ps. Dessuadete Simone a convincermi a fare l'ironman il prossimo agosto, vi prego, sto cedendo piano piano alla goccia cinese del pazzo monachense :-)


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