Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ramipril Selling Point

September that crazy!

After a summer dedicated to the vagueness of purpose, it starts with September and a few decent workout. Yesterday
a series of 10k events at a fast pace so closed 3.50 in 38'18 "and another set of seeds unloading 5k to 4'05", so close to the 15k training at 3'56 "in 58min and something.

In Nua piogerellina good lap in and the feeling has not yet disposed of Sunday's race with adjoining intestinal problems.
Clearing a relaxing with some extension toward the end.

this week repeated the jump. Already I had made the last 6x1000 to 3'30 "and I expect laprossima 2 days of quality with the 4x2000 and 2x5000, we see that it comes out.

Avanti Savoia (No baby)
Fat is back and I came back too close to call laporta when you go out!


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