Monday, January 31, 2011

Iron Tablets Give Me Stomach

Il momento dei saluti

Gloden Gate Bridge, San Francisco.
guard for hours.

place indefinitely.

Outside the storm rages ... maybe not quite the storm, but there is bad weather ...
I, today, I would go to that place fifty miles, but there is also the weather warning, they said on TV last night.
Speaking of bad weather ... Last night, perhaps for the first time, I realized how dangerous can the fog. I came home about nine o'clock and there was a mist that does not saw from here to there ... do not see two feet in front of you is amazing and scary and at one point I ended up in the middle of an intersection and could not figure out which way was home. Yesterday I returned

theater association.
The sad time, as in all things there is the final moment ... that of greetings.
Although I shall see them ... on facebook, to their shows. And then who knows ...
There was the last lesson of the course in screenwriting.
E 'was an interesting course. And I thank Sergio, my "professor" (as someone called it in class) - more than just a big movie fan - for the passion that developed in this course.
When a teacher has a passion for what he teaches, his message is transmitted.
and he has a passion for what we talked about ... And 'even managed to intrigue me a lot about auteur ... authors and film, to which I would never subject their own.

For those who have some 'below, here on the blog, even my experiences over the course of acting ... even that is over and I lost the last two classes because I had the flu and I'm sorry (and I still regret) a lot. However, this is an experience I will never forget.

Thanks to Sergio to Mario and ... Nunzia to the experience with you, for the love and passion that you send in your courses and the beautiful people who, thanks to you, I know.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Habanero Doritos For Sale

L'amore sospetto

I do not ever call me like one of those intellectuals who like movies.
Because, after all, apart from Woody Allen and some other movies where I look a bit 'more details, I like films like Titanic, Twilight, Harry Potter and Pretty Woman.
The other night we saw this French film.
usually bore me a lot of French films. But I chose, I chose me, because usually I try not to be guided by prejudice and then I read something that made me think it was a thriller and, finally, the images of the film I was intrigued, even though the original title "La Moustache" (mustache) would make me understand that in the end, I would not have caught the essence of the film.
Why I still have to be convinced not to capture the essence of certain films.
Love suspicion, good title, for once the Italian title is better than the original, although, as usual, is misleading. In fact, if the Italians were called "mustache", I do not think I decided to watch it.
I can not say I did not like, no. I liked to watch it, I was curious and intrigued.
At one point, the plot - mainly focused on a man who cut his mustache - was turning into what appeared to be a decent thriller, but then immediately diverted somewhere else, then going to end up on the surreal, dreamlike .
And finally, I do not get the point.
If anyone has seen and understood it, I'd like to talk about it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

18th Birthday Gay Bathhouse

Do I need to say more?

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Latest news from The Return of Max and Panda

Panda is back in Valencia! from the images you can see the evolution of the species (the Panda before and after the Panda).
Azzzz if he gave the Panda, it was hard for everyone !!!!!

If gaming cocks back are bitter for all !!!!!!!
Greetings to all and vote people vote !!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Could I Be Pregnant If I Have Mucus

its CBR 1000 on the dyno !!!!!

Dear friends as you can see from our blog current, are gearing up for this 2011. Upcoming Valencia in Spain, the beautiful world that circuit under the direction of Rossocorsa enliven our drivers.

In preparation for that meeting someone (BALL) has brought his beloved on the bench for the emergence of the last horses.

The challenge will be a tight!

Greetings to all!!

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Preview new look for MIQUIQ

That, dear friends is the new graphics MIQUIQ KAWA!

I wonder how many steaks will make him eat or pay?
In Valencia we will see?
Greetings to all !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bleeding Madras Shirts

statistics of our site

With a bit of personal pride public statistics of visitors to our Blog.

Sleep With My Slippers On

Valencia Spain with Rossocorsa

We shared the heat is still a mirage but the February 6, 2011 twelve of our drivers will leave for Valencia for a three-day test with Rossocorsa that will end with the race category Open and two races for the 600 and 1000.
Participants in the open category are:
Richard Gonnella, Alessandro Tassoni, Stefano Fornari, Tagliasacchi Andrea, Massimiliano Bilia, Pieroni Pierluigi.
In class we have up to 600: Micci Richard Del Bianco Emanuele, Raphael Del Bianco, Paolo Picchi, Luca Farinelli, Alessandro Cristofani.
for this output we also supported by our mechanic Billi Corrado that we hope to work as little as possible to repair damage.
Needless to say, and 'already playing "the campaign steak safe" and all most people' who have not his work cut out to try and eat for free. Unfortunately this time we
also important to record the absences as Tiziano Pieretti, Omarini Manolo, Daniele Peretti, Citti Diego and so on. Hopefully in the next
..... thanks to all our supporters and sponsors.
Gasss at the bottom ..... Hello from PIELLEPI

And now some notes on the beautiful English track:
CIRCUIT - Ideal for 125 and Moto 2, but slow to MotoGP, where overtaking is difficult. 4005 meters long, with 9 and 5 left turns right. They are mostly from the first and second gear to be faced between 80 and 100 km / h. Only 3 of the 14 curves total clash between 130 and 200 per hour. The more challenging for the bike and rider is number 13, the second to last bend on the left very long, almost 200 per hour, with slight lightening over the pass in the first phase of the bike. In the final part must be a reference point for braking a bike folded and set the final corner from 90 per hour. The speed record still belongs to Troy Bayliss, 2004, which created the Ducati 1000 with 321.141 km / h.

SECTORS OF THE ROAD - T1: includes two-thirds of the pit straight and two left-handers, both favorevoli al sorpasso; la prima è scorrevole, da terza, a circa 140 orari, la seconda è un rampino da 90 all’ora da prima marcia. T2: la prima frenata per la curva a destra, da seconda marcia, chiede attenzione nella traiettoria, l’asfalto è in leggera pendenza ed è rovinato sulla linea interna, quindi è più facile cadere. La seconda curva a destra si affronta sullo slancio della prima, con un’unica percorrenza. Breve accelerazione, curva a sinistra da seconda, e via ancora a motore pieno fino alla quinta marcia. T3: in prossimità del curvone, si molla il gas e ci si attacca ai freni per una curva di ritorno in discesa molto lunga che permette linee diverse; si affronta la prima “esse” leading to grapple slower track, where you are "inside" for several tenths of a second to 80 per hour of speed. T4: you get a momentum, acceleration after a drink, puts the second "they" change of Valencia with a left-right now and are leaning third to fourth gear to stretch the bend rather this path. The last curve gives the miraculous overtaking, it faces a 90 hour, but if you draw the wrong path, you go out slowly to the pit straight.

TIRES - Bridgestone brings a soft and an average for the front, while the rear one medium and one hard asymmetrical conceptually the same used at Estoril. The slippery asphalt temperatures require the best set-up, not to end up with the tires "ripped" in just a few laps, which would mean losing the rhythm right away. There are 30 laps to go, for a total of 120 km and 420 curves.

braking - Data from the Brembo braking points and 8 show in three of these it comes down to a speed close to 90 km / h. The most challenging are the first two after the goal and the next, before the hairpin on the left: is a load on the lever of the most high of 6.1 kg, with a deceleration of 1.6 G.

THE OVERTAKING - Overtaking in frenata sono difficoltosi, il più delle volte ci si trova su una linea sbagliata in uscita di curva e comunque ci si prende dei rischi. C’è più margine di intervento proprio alla curva 1 (lo spazio di frenata è di 252 metri) e 2 (spazio di frenata, 183 metri), dove si arriva di slancio, ma, in extremis, specie Moto 2 e 125, possono sfruttare anche l’ultima curva della pista, anche se bisogna mettere in conto che si perde molta velocità in uscita per il rettilineo.

LE CONDIZIONI CLIMATICHE - Le temperature sono buone, vanno dai 16 ai 20°C, con il sole che splenderà per tutto il fine settimana.

IL PILOTA FAVORITO – I pilots would be 2 winners, Stoner and Pedrosa, but considering the physical condition of Dani, remain the only Casey. He got the pole position last year (and then fell to the lap), won in 2008 and made 2nd in 2007. Pedrosa, meanwhile, in the last three editions has always been on the podium, with two victories ('09 and '07) and a 2nd place in 2008. Rossi has not won since 2004, ahead of Biaggi and Bayliss, and is perhaps the track where he crashed more often. Last year he came 2nd in the sprint with Lorenzo (3 °).

THE FAVOURITE BIKE - The Ducati is like a lippa here in Valencia, from 2004 to 2009 scored two podiums with Bayliss (with victory in 2006), one with Capirossi and Stoner with two in 2007 and 2008. Last year for the first time Yamaha has been placed fourth in the first seven places, but the feeling is that Honda and Ducati, more brutal and less harmonics of the M1, have a small advantage for the win on a track stop and go, where even the horse becomes important to slow the exit of corners. Showers Max

Bizarre Menopause Symptoms

Sono in good company.

When I'm alone at home, it sometimes happens that, at some point, it is as if the natural flow of time to stop. Cala an oppressive silence, I look up and look around, his ears pick up all sorts of noise, noise that normally do not do the event because they are part of the background noise of the household routine ... I hear clicking sounds, light trills, ringing, noise as a function of household, those that seem distant whistles of departing ships.
doubt insinuates itself the victim of auditory hallucinations - sometimes caused by serious diseases - and remain immobilized for a few seconds to listen, fearing that, of the noise, there is some indication of foreign presence in the house, and silently intrufolatesi waiting for the right time to emerge out of nothing e. .. (Thought too bad to continue.)
At that time, no matter the fatto che l'unico modo per entrare qua dentro sarebbe sradicare i cancelli di ferro (e farebbero molto rumore, mi sa) oppure passare per la porta di ingresso (e anche in questo caso me ne accorgerei facilmente).

E' quasi come quando, da piccola, mi svegliavo di notte da sola nella stanza e restavo immobile con gli occhi sbarrati a fissare il buio - nel quale credevo di intravedere chissà cosa o chi -, tutta nascosta sotto le coperte, non potendo nemmeno muovere un muscolo, atterrita dalla paura, nemmeno per raggiungere, a meno di un metro, l'interruttore della luce.
Non si sa mai il cattivo di turno, nascosto sotto il letto, fosse arrivato ad acchiapparmi la mano sporgente dal letto, cui mi aggrappavo salda, come fosse l'unica vera zattera di salvezza.

Ascoltando, mi accorgo che i rumori sono reali: il frigo, standoci attenti, fa un baccano notevole, un orologio da qualche parte fa tic tac, un sito internet aperto emette trilli ad ogni movimento del mouse, il fischio della nave è in effetti la caldaia.
La paura passa. E il silenzio cessa, la vita riprende a scorrere normalmente. Suona il telefono. La lettura di un blog amico ti distrae. La signora della casa accanto, a cinque metri da te, chiama qualcuno ad alta voce.

Mi sa che devo smetterla di leggere thriller e di documentarmi su Shining .

E comunque mi ha sempre confortato sapere di essere in buona compagnia: La sera, quando mi corico, sento ancora il bisogno di assicurarmi che le mie gambe siano sotto le coperte, una volta spenta la luce. Non sono più un bambino ma… non mi va di dormire con una gamba che sporge dal letto. Perchè se una mano gelida si protendesse per caso da sotto il letto ad afferrarmi la caviglia, potrei anche urlare. Sì, potrei cacciare un urlo da svegliare i morti. Sono cose che non succeddono, naturalmente, e lo sappiamo tutti. Nei miei racconti incontrerete esseri notturni di ogni genere: vampiri, amanti di demoni, una cosa che vive nell’armadio, ogni sorta di altri terrori. Nessuno di essi è reale. Lo so. E so anche che se sto bene attento a tenere i piedi sotto le coperte, non riuscirà mai ad afferrarmi la caviglia.

- "A volte ritornano", Stephen King. Prefazione. -

Office Wine Kate's Playground

logorrhoea morning

Siccome sono ufficialmente guarita, ma stamattina mi sono svegliata starnutendo a ritmo un po' sostenuto, per essere una guarita, e ho il mal di testa, la tosse e i brividi, ho pensato bene oggi di starmene a casa, invece di andare a lavorare.
Mi toccavano un'ottantina di Km all'andata e altrettanti al ritorno, non me la sono sentita.
E ringrazio la libera professione, che mi consente di fare quello che mi pare - nei limiti dell'educazione e del rispetto per gli altri si intende -, unico vero e irrinunciabile vantaggio del mio lavoro .

one comment a bit 'long that I wrote recently on the blog of Luke, I realized that today are a bit' talkative and thought I'd take advantage of it, filling this virtual space with my ramblings today ... right now I am reminded that this blog we will survive ... I do not know whether they will be eternal, but when I am no longer on this earth, my blog will still be there - less than total annihilation of press freedom, which is actually not totally impossible.
In this regard, I can think of ... have you heard this ? I thought it was a hoax, but I guess not.
But we overlook ... because I wish to further pollute the airwaves, I prefer to do with ramblings in my hand, not with those of others.

As so often these days, my peace and quiet home has been interrupted early on by a noise that made me jump ... This King Kong trying to undermine the iron gates ? here, approximately.
Bravely, I went on patrol to make sure that no one was hanging from the monkey bars and avventuratami out, I saw a van and I realized that, as usual, were the workers who were possibly eradicating the railing of the neighbors.
I have not ventured to spy because they are so curious and, frankly, are not brought to espionage, inoltre il mio maglione verde fosforescente oggi sicuramente non mi avrebbe reso invisibile ai più... Beh, in ogni caso, adesso hanno finito.

Abandoned rail bridge (by photographer Tara Kinsell)
Questa immagine è una di quelle che ho visto su un sito di fotografie che mi ha affascinato e vorrei stare tutto il giorno a guardare.

La bella immagine delle rotaie qui sopra mi fa venire in mente il mio stato d'animo ieri sera quando, per l'ennesima volta, mi sono persa.
Ieri sera, per rientrare a casa, dal centro città a ora di punta, ho impiegato un'ora (distanza 15 km) e ho trovato pure una deviazione... how I hate returns.
When there is one, I already know that they are destined to lose. And I ended up in a zonaccia where there was none ... You know those dark and narrow streets in the suburbs, where do you think oh mama now a car blocking the road and I ... (Thought too bad to continue) ... however, even though I lost twice, as the donkeys along the same road, the loss lasted a few minutes and finally I found my way home. And
report, as the comet, the lighthouse . What stood out, not remember whether or not bright, high above me, beyond a low wall of houses that prevented me from seeing the sea (I would help to orient).

close with another image sorry that I do not know why, but I really like ... empty swimming pools have always fascinated me.

Soho Marchall Pool
'Absence of Water' by Gigi Cifali
In the thirties London's Lidos outdoor Were at the peak of Their popularity. Gradually tastes have changed, resulting in a drop in attendances, leaving the pools uneconomical to run. many fell into decay and many Were demolished. Only a handful of pools Remain today as a symbol of a bygone was'.
'Absence of Water' documents the haunting atmosphere of the empty swimming pool.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Watch Discovery Health Channel Online

signed the deed for the purchase of land for erecting CASMEZ Former Citadel Economy. Elisha Zanasi: great opportunity to redevelop an area that should be abandoned and decaying

E 'was signed yesterday morning, January 14, the deed for the purchase of land for erecting CASMEZ Former Citadel Economy, next head of the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia.
the presence of the notary Antonio Stango and the Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia - dr. Matteo di Mauro - the petitioners, Mr. Eliseo Zanasi for the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia el ' ing. John Vitofrancesco for the Puglia Region, have completed the act of purchasing the land.
Antonio Stango, Elisha Zanasi, John Vitofrancesco, Matthew Mauro

Economy The Citadel is the project that the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia is building for the new headquarters, which will house the Chamber of Commerce but is above all an opportunity to improve and increase services to local businesses in a logic of integrated center for development in collaboration with the Municipality, Province of Foggia and the Puglia Region.
The area identified for the project is the former land of the Cassa del Mezzogiorno, located between the seats of Motor Vehicles and the Fair Authority, owned by the Region Apulia, an area in which they are already rising, in addition to seat chamber, the DAT and the economic services of the Municipality of Foggia.
"It 's a great opportunity to redevelop an area that should be abandoned and in decay, in a strategic position as close to the city center and easy access Fortore avenue and the railway station. The aim is to innovate the identity of the Chamber of Commerce, to enhance their capacity to govern the economy, the role of representation and the ability to deliver real services meets the needs of businesses, "said the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, Ing.Eliseo Zanasi .
The complex, designed by TECNOCAM - engineering services firm of Chambers Trade and Italian-contracted to the Bologna-CCC will develop over 4 floors and a basement to house: open to the public services, administrative offices and offices of the Chamber of Commerce, businesses special Cesana (Center for Studies and stimulate economic activity) and Lachimer (Mercelogico-Chemical Laboratory). Welcome to multipurpose a building inside a conference hall with 350 seats, a multimedia documentation center, a nursery, a sports center, training rooms, an open-space for the reception, exposures and the events.
The Citadel is located in one-then-new concept of modern public buildings, faces attention to an age of ecology, in which the environmental aspect becomes central in the architectural design and technology. Satisfaction with the breakthrough made with the deed, in terms of achievement of the properties has also been expressed by the Regional State Property and Heritage Dr. Michael Pelillo.