Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Office Wine Kate's Playground

logorrhoea morning

Siccome sono ufficialmente guarita, ma stamattina mi sono svegliata starnutendo a ritmo un po' sostenuto, per essere una guarita, e ho il mal di testa, la tosse e i brividi, ho pensato bene oggi di starmene a casa, invece di andare a lavorare.
Mi toccavano un'ottantina di Km all'andata e altrettanti al ritorno, non me la sono sentita.
E ringrazio la libera professione, che mi consente di fare quello che mi pare - nei limiti dell'educazione e del rispetto per gli altri si intende -, unico vero e irrinunciabile vantaggio del mio lavoro .

one comment a bit 'long that I wrote recently on the blog of Luke, I realized that today are a bit' talkative and thought I'd take advantage of it, filling this virtual space with my ramblings today ... right now I am reminded that this blog we will survive ... I do not know whether they will be eternal, but when I am no longer on this earth, my blog will still be there - less than total annihilation of press freedom, which is actually not totally impossible.
In this regard, I can think of ... have you heard this ? I thought it was a hoax, but I guess not.
But we overlook ... because I wish to further pollute the airwaves, I prefer to do with ramblings in my hand, not with those of others.

As so often these days, my peace and quiet home has been interrupted early on by a noise that made me jump ... This King Kong trying to undermine the iron gates ? here, approximately.
Bravely, I went on patrol to make sure that no one was hanging from the monkey bars and avventuratami out, I saw a van and I realized that, as usual, were the workers who were possibly eradicating the railing of the neighbors.
I have not ventured to spy because they are so curious and, frankly, are not brought to espionage, inoltre il mio maglione verde fosforescente oggi sicuramente non mi avrebbe reso invisibile ai più... Beh, in ogni caso, adesso hanno finito.

Abandoned rail bridge (by photographer Tara Kinsell)
Questa immagine è una di quelle che ho visto su un sito di fotografie che mi ha affascinato e vorrei stare tutto il giorno a guardare.

La bella immagine delle rotaie qui sopra mi fa venire in mente il mio stato d'animo ieri sera quando, per l'ennesima volta, mi sono persa.
Ieri sera, per rientrare a casa, dal centro città a ora di punta, ho impiegato un'ora (distanza 15 km) e ho trovato pure una deviazione... how I hate returns.
When there is one, I already know that they are destined to lose. And I ended up in a zonaccia where there was none ... You know those dark and narrow streets in the suburbs, where do you think oh mama now a car blocking the road and I ... (Thought too bad to continue) ... however, even though I lost twice, as the donkeys along the same road, the loss lasted a few minutes and finally I found my way home. And
report, as the comet, the lighthouse . What stood out, not remember whether or not bright, high above me, beyond a low wall of houses that prevented me from seeing the sea (I would help to orient).

close with another image sorry that I do not know why, but I really like ... empty swimming pools have always fascinated me.

Soho Marchall Pool
'Absence of Water' by Gigi Cifali
In the thirties London's Lidos outdoor Were at the peak of Their popularity. Gradually tastes have changed, resulting in a drop in attendances, leaving the pools uneconomical to run. many fell into decay and many Were demolished. Only a handful of pools Remain today as a symbol of a bygone was'.
'Absence of Water' documents the haunting atmosphere of the empty swimming pool.


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