Monday, January 31, 2011

Iron Tablets Give Me Stomach

Il momento dei saluti

Gloden Gate Bridge, San Francisco.
guard for hours.

place indefinitely.

Outside the storm rages ... maybe not quite the storm, but there is bad weather ...
I, today, I would go to that place fifty miles, but there is also the weather warning, they said on TV last night.
Speaking of bad weather ... Last night, perhaps for the first time, I realized how dangerous can the fog. I came home about nine o'clock and there was a mist that does not saw from here to there ... do not see two feet in front of you is amazing and scary and at one point I ended up in the middle of an intersection and could not figure out which way was home. Yesterday I returned

theater association.
The sad time, as in all things there is the final moment ... that of greetings.
Although I shall see them ... on facebook, to their shows. And then who knows ...
There was the last lesson of the course in screenwriting.
E 'was an interesting course. And I thank Sergio, my "professor" (as someone called it in class) - more than just a big movie fan - for the passion that developed in this course.
When a teacher has a passion for what he teaches, his message is transmitted.
and he has a passion for what we talked about ... And 'even managed to intrigue me a lot about auteur ... authors and film, to which I would never subject their own.

For those who have some 'below, here on the blog, even my experiences over the course of acting ... even that is over and I lost the last two classes because I had the flu and I'm sorry (and I still regret) a lot. However, this is an experience I will never forget.

Thanks to Sergio to Mario and ... Nunzia to the experience with you, for the love and passion that you send in your courses and the beautiful people who, thanks to you, I know.


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