Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sleep With My Slippers On

Valencia Spain with Rossocorsa

We shared the heat is still a mirage but the February 6, 2011 twelve of our drivers will leave for Valencia for a three-day test with Rossocorsa that will end with the race category Open and two races for the 600 and 1000.
Participants in the open category are:
Richard Gonnella, Alessandro Tassoni, Stefano Fornari, Tagliasacchi Andrea, Massimiliano Bilia, Pieroni Pierluigi.
In class we have up to 600: Micci Richard Del Bianco Emanuele, Raphael Del Bianco, Paolo Picchi, Luca Farinelli, Alessandro Cristofani.
for this output we also supported by our mechanic Billi Corrado that we hope to work as little as possible to repair damage.
Needless to say, and 'already playing "the campaign steak safe" and all most people' who have not his work cut out to try and eat for free. Unfortunately this time we
also important to record the absences as Tiziano Pieretti, Omarini Manolo, Daniele Peretti, Citti Diego and so on. Hopefully in the next
..... thanks to all our supporters and sponsors.
Gasss at the bottom ..... Hello from PIELLEPI

And now some notes on the beautiful English track:
CIRCUIT - Ideal for 125 and Moto 2, but slow to MotoGP, where overtaking is difficult. 4005 meters long, with 9 and 5 left turns right. They are mostly from the first and second gear to be faced between 80 and 100 km / h. Only 3 of the 14 curves total clash between 130 and 200 per hour. The more challenging for the bike and rider is number 13, the second to last bend on the left very long, almost 200 per hour, with slight lightening over the pass in the first phase of the bike. In the final part must be a reference point for braking a bike folded and set the final corner from 90 per hour. The speed record still belongs to Troy Bayliss, 2004, which created the Ducati 1000 with 321.141 km / h.

SECTORS OF THE ROAD - T1: includes two-thirds of the pit straight and two left-handers, both favorevoli al sorpasso; la prima è scorrevole, da terza, a circa 140 orari, la seconda è un rampino da 90 all’ora da prima marcia. T2: la prima frenata per la curva a destra, da seconda marcia, chiede attenzione nella traiettoria, l’asfalto è in leggera pendenza ed è rovinato sulla linea interna, quindi è più facile cadere. La seconda curva a destra si affronta sullo slancio della prima, con un’unica percorrenza. Breve accelerazione, curva a sinistra da seconda, e via ancora a motore pieno fino alla quinta marcia. T3: in prossimità del curvone, si molla il gas e ci si attacca ai freni per una curva di ritorno in discesa molto lunga che permette linee diverse; si affronta la prima “esse” leading to grapple slower track, where you are "inside" for several tenths of a second to 80 per hour of speed. T4: you get a momentum, acceleration after a drink, puts the second "they" change of Valencia with a left-right now and are leaning third to fourth gear to stretch the bend rather this path. The last curve gives the miraculous overtaking, it faces a 90 hour, but if you draw the wrong path, you go out slowly to the pit straight.

TIRES - Bridgestone brings a soft and an average for the front, while the rear one medium and one hard asymmetrical conceptually the same used at Estoril. The slippery asphalt temperatures require the best set-up, not to end up with the tires "ripped" in just a few laps, which would mean losing the rhythm right away. There are 30 laps to go, for a total of 120 km and 420 curves.

braking - Data from the Brembo braking points and 8 show in three of these it comes down to a speed close to 90 km / h. The most challenging are the first two after the goal and the next, before the hairpin on the left: is a load on the lever of the most high of 6.1 kg, with a deceleration of 1.6 G.

THE OVERTAKING - Overtaking in frenata sono difficoltosi, il più delle volte ci si trova su una linea sbagliata in uscita di curva e comunque ci si prende dei rischi. C’è più margine di intervento proprio alla curva 1 (lo spazio di frenata è di 252 metri) e 2 (spazio di frenata, 183 metri), dove si arriva di slancio, ma, in extremis, specie Moto 2 e 125, possono sfruttare anche l’ultima curva della pista, anche se bisogna mettere in conto che si perde molta velocità in uscita per il rettilineo.

LE CONDIZIONI CLIMATICHE - Le temperature sono buone, vanno dai 16 ai 20°C, con il sole che splenderà per tutto il fine settimana.

IL PILOTA FAVORITO – I pilots would be 2 winners, Stoner and Pedrosa, but considering the physical condition of Dani, remain the only Casey. He got the pole position last year (and then fell to the lap), won in 2008 and made 2nd in 2007. Pedrosa, meanwhile, in the last three editions has always been on the podium, with two victories ('09 and '07) and a 2nd place in 2008. Rossi has not won since 2004, ahead of Biaggi and Bayliss, and is perhaps the track where he crashed more often. Last year he came 2nd in the sprint with Lorenzo (3 °).

THE FAVOURITE BIKE - The Ducati is like a lippa here in Valencia, from 2004 to 2009 scored two podiums with Bayliss (with victory in 2006), one with Capirossi and Stoner with two in 2007 and 2008. Last year for the first time Yamaha has been placed fourth in the first seven places, but the feeling is that Honda and Ducati, more brutal and less harmonics of the M1, have a small advantage for the win on a track stop and go, where even the horse becomes important to slow the exit of corners. Showers Max


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