Monday, March 14, 2011

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Lega Camera (n 12)

Click on the icon above and read the League's activities at the Chamber of Deputies

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Ci sono cose che non si spiegano

Article from regular municipal
This skimpy Administration, strictly defined in accordance with the alternation between the old Christian Democrats and the remnants of the defunct Italian Communist Party, survives. Yet the choices that work
are frankly questionable, hasty, improvised and often incomprehensible, despite a significant fall sullo stato del patrimonio pubblico e del territorio. È il caso Fimer, ove avrebbe potuto portare a casa ben altro risultato o, ancor peggio, il caso della recente “SVENDITA” di tre terreni Comunali, chiamata “PERMUTA ” di immobili che permuta non è. Una operazione di svendita del patrimonio pubblico fallimentare dove l’Amministrazione è con il cappello in mano dietro la schiena, mentre la controparte
Società privata, insindacabilmente stabilisce prezzi e condizioni sottovalutando ciò che acquista, sopravvalutando ciò che cede e pagando quando vuole. Una non permuta, poiché i 35 mila mq. di terreni
sono scambiati al 60% con una somma in denaro (3 rate, la 3° dopo 17 mesi, to June 2012) and only a residual part
with a building, shed 90 unusable. A
affair defined by the Mayor "brilliant" operation while the Deputy Mayor for Public Works, the protagonist of the negotiations and our Moses, invoking the biblical "manna" without realizing it, plentiful, unfortunately, does not fall into the pockets of citizens who administers.
Without explanation, there are also choices of less strategic significance, but of greater impact on the perception of our people, like the face of market Velate. In this regard, it was just a "touch and go." Great emphasis at the time of the inauguration and then oblivion. At the end
December we exchanged a few words with the peddlers. The feeling was that we all agree on the inadequacy of the place, the lack of parking, the narrowness of the area while providing overlapping activities (three stalls of fruit and vegetables out of fourteen of the seventeen total allocated
available) condemns them to live closely him. Already
choice because the area is narrow, cramped, located at the end of UNAVIA equally close, hidden, no parking, convenient only for those who live nearby, but unattainable by those who must use the vehicle for the transport of goods at home purchased.

At the time we suggested that the adminis-tration to locate the new market at the Center
Commercial (Vega) Velate, which, sheltered from traffic, easy access, with
its parking lots and wide streets would worthily housed , also creating a valuable synergy with commercial activities. The largest influx of potential customers would in fact benefit to both
while broadening the spectrum of supply and demand.
would not be in addition to all non-space to organize exhibitions specializing in niche markets, making it an attraction even from neighboring towns. Simple no!? Obviously, the choice was via Volta, with the known and predictable results. Even a stand of North Africa is gone, we have hit bottom! The other, our, stand up, but many of us have admitted that sooner or later they will go away, do not make it!
Meanwhile, the Commercial Center (la Vega) Velate is slowly consuming, abandoned by this Administration to alternating current. The shops are suffering because of this lack of sufficient public made up almost always by the same people, the few residents. The vandals Series B,
those of the neighborhood, rage and destroy infrastructure, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers emptied against
dampers, divelgono signs and mail boxes, make bonfires steps in front of the entrances of the box, while thieves plundered the stores more attractive: the tobacconist, newsagent, gutters and
steal copper pipes and so on. But it's all right, we are in the media, rather the trend is decreasing, beautiful
satisfaction!. Maybe this Wild West atmosphere like on our left the government, but live in it is not pleasant.
The damage must be repaired and they do the shopkeepers at their own expense (the area of \u200b\u200bthe Centre is private), thus reducing even further the already meager earnings. Of course this Administration uses two weights and two measures
: a compliant with the powerful (rich businessmen) and the other guilty of distraction
for the many problems of the citizens, left to fend for themselves.
The country is small. People know it as the Piave whispered!
Group Consiliare Lega Nord Padania

Friday, March 11, 2011

Marshmallow And Coconut Dessert

Saronno e Sesto, ancora violenze carnali

Read up on the Padano

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sweet Poems For Any One

Lecco, stupratori stranieri festeggiano l'8 marzo

Lecco, rapists foreigners celebrate the March 8: Two attacks within days
Read up on the Padano

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Caso Fimer...

The Neverending Story. After over ten months of legal battles with the ruling seemed that the Tar issued last week he had placed an end to the battle between the Province and the municipality of Usmate. Continue reading about

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Legge Alpini, la sinistra spieghi il suo no

"The opposition has remained silent for two years does not present on the proposed Law on Mountain Law no alternative. And 'only managed to create an incident in the classroom today pretext. " To declare and Carolina Lussier, Vice President of the Northern League in the House commenting on the referral back to committee for further consideration of the draft Law on the Mountain that was discussed today in Parliament House. "Today - Lussier says - it is definitely a stop to our law as it brings her back to the classroom as soon as possible and I am sure we will have the numbers to support it. Citizens - Member of the League concludes - Will still assess the attitude that the left was against a I cover has always been so close to the people and territory. "

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Periodi pieni e pensieri

This is a period full of .
Because, as always, timing and - often - the needs of customers are concentrated, for some unfavorable alignment of the stars in the same period ... Yesterday, then, contacted me a new client, which obviously has a frenzied rush.
I love ... let's see ... about seven days to do a job for months. But, as I have rested enough with multiple influences of the past months, I can also do some 'night.
Today is a day where I think I'll work until late at night, waiting for me tomorrow and the day after long day. I predict a great weekend to update the documents and the entire next week to forget.

Poi è un periodo pieno di pensieri.
Per alcuni è un periodo triste, per altri di transizione, per altri un periodo nero, per altri di quiete. I miei pensieri navigano in mezzo ai pensieri altrui. E penso a quanto è bello condividere i propri pensieri con gli amici cari e a quanto deve essere triste non avere nessuno con cui parlare, nessuno che sia lì quando ti senti esplodere o quando senti che l'angoscia ti schiaccia.

Per il resto, vorrei trovare un libro che mi prenda... quello che ho adesso sul comodin o non riesce a catturare la mia attenzione, la sera non riesco a leggere più di due righe e mi addormento. Ho qualche e-book stampato che vorrei leggere (tra cui uno di Ariano e uno di Simone ), ma i fogli volanti a letto la sera li trovo talmente scomodi da scoraggiarmi e la lettura su foglio A4 ho capito che non mi ispira nemmeno un po'. Comunque, non dovrò aspettare molto, perché oggi ho ordinato "Acqua agli elefanti" di cui ho parlato qui e suppongo mi piacerà.

E sono anche contenta perché tra breve avrò due CD di un musicista che quando suona mi commuove e non vedo l'ora di ascoltarli in macchina nei tragitti che farò spesso nelle prossime due/tre settimane. E, a proposito, grazie Simo !

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Sintesi sul Federalismo Municipale

the city back to the center of the Administration
Here, through a series of answers to considerations is synthesized
the implementing decree on federalism that gives municipal fiscal autonomy to the municipalities.

Before consideration
Federalism as a reform should be continued with the sharing of all
did not like the government with the sole majority.
Answer: FALSE
The Government, with Minister Calderoli has sought dialogue with not only the opposition but also
with the National Association of Italian Municipalities: in fact the decree on federalism and municipal
'was rewritten 4 times from the first version of August 4, 2010 and as many as 50 of the 70 paragraphs of Article
law have been built along with the parliamentary forces and are shared
bicameralina in Parliament and the opposition and voted against Fli only for political reasons or to try
Berlusconi to sink and did not enter into the merits of
measure (this shows that federalism did not care)

Second consideration
Municipal Federalism With this in reality does not grant fiscal autonomy to the municipalities.
Answer: FALSE
Change and how, given that it passes from a derivative financial system (transfers
state) to a system of fiscal autonomy.
In particular, the municipalities will leave the following taxes: the entire revenue IRPEF
income on land (excluding agricultural income) and that relating to stamp duty and registration on
leases, cost of 30% of the proceeds of taxes on real estate transfers
, sharing 21.7% of the proceeds of the coupon dry rents,
sharing the proceeds of VAT amounting to 2.889 billion euros.

Third consideration
This municipal federalism there will be benefits for northern communities.
Answer: TRUE
A study of the Association of Crafts and Small Enterprises in
Mestre CGIA provides evidence that the decree on federalism municipal realities of the North Central Municipal
will have more money in your pocket. A resident of Lombard will
€ 39 per capita more.

Fourth consideration
Federalism municipal penalizes municipalities of South
Answer: FALSE
Federalism does not penalize either the South or the North.
The Fund established an experimental equilibrium, lasting three years, to eliminate any disparities
and to help small municipalities. The only common
will be penalized those who have spent far too much and now can no longer wasting or stealing.
account with the Federal Hall there will be a reduction in the tax burden.
Answer: TRUE
There will be an obvious savings. Take, for example
coupon to dry on rents for residential buildings:
you will pay 19% or 21% instead of the much higher income tax brackets (from 23% to 43%) and sales taxes
registry and stamp duty on lease with substantial benefits to taxpayers.
In addition, from 2014 the setting that will apply in relation to acts of property transfer
plaice 'from 10% to 9% and 3% to 2% if the transfer will be subject to
the first house.
In addition, municipalities that will help the tax authorities to combat tax evasion will be entitled to 50% of the sums collected
: so the areas that did not pay taxes to pay and only in this way will reduce
for all.

account with the Federal Tax was instituted a new tax, the IMU.
Answer: FALSE
The council tax only (IMU), from 2014, is not a new tax but
replace existing taxes such as the LCI current (and hence
excluding primary residence) and personal income tax ( and related additional) income from land not leased. The rate established and
'0.76% and will be unique and will be applied to all types of buildings.
is also expected that local authorities may, within the time limit for deliberation of the budget estimates
, reduce the rate up to 0.3 percentage points.
Inoltre, a differenza di quanto accade ora, con l'applicazione del Federalismo municipale per
l'immobile locato l'aliquota sarà ridotta della metà (la maggior parte della gente che possiede
la seconda casa in genere la affitta).

Settima considerazione
Con l'introduzione della tassa di soggiorno e della tassa di scopo sono in arrivo nuove tasse per
i cittadini.
Risposta: FALSO
Per quanto riguarda la tassa di soggiorno (una tassa sui turisti fino a 5 Euro per notte che potrà
essere applicata dai comuni capoluogo di provincia e dalle città turistiche e d'arte) e la tassa di
scopo (per la realizzazione di opere pubbliche) they fall under group
additional taxes that municipalities may, but are not obliged to introduce.
income taxes for any purpose and will be used to make new public works

Eighth account
With the release of additionality for ordinary income tax are coming
new taxes for all citizens.
Answer: FALSE
Again, this is not an obligation but rather an option (so much so that the
Moratti in Milan has already stated that any increase will not apply) and still regards
those municipalities that have a ' lower rate of 0.4% to which is given power to ensure
additional municipal income tax increase to a maximum of 0.2% per year but the cap on
remains that of 0.4%.
Council Chamber Group of the Lombardy Region
Lega Lombarda - Lega Nord - PADANIA

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Premiati i Sindaci del Nord

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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SIAFT (South Italy Agrofood and Tourism). Elisha Zanasi, "The Chambers of Commerce has once again proven to be able to make the team."

The Chambers of Commerce has once again proven to be able to work as a team, combining experience and commitment to neighboring territories for the development of agribusiness and tourism, areas of economic importance to the economy of the South.

It 'as said President of the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, Eliseo Zanasi, speaking in Rome at the opening of the second edition of SIAFT (South Italy Agrofood and Tourism) project which sees the Chambers of four southern provinces (Crotone , Foggia, Matera, Potenza) jointly engaged in the exploitation of important resources, quality and promotion of companies in a geographically close, but different in their type and potential, with the active support of the National Mondimpresa and Unioncamere, which control room.

Divided into stages and just wandering dedicated to wine, oil, agricultural food production and tourism, the project SIAFT has already given ample evidence of having been able to catch the signs of recovery arising from the international scene, creating an initiative organized by the "incoming" of major foreign buyers, from prestigious markets (U.S., Russian, Polish and German), involved in products and sectors that characterize the "Made in Italy".

"Companies Zanasi he added in this second edition will play a leading role, demonstrating the link with the territory of origin and at the same time, the willingness and ability to achieve continuous improvements in quality and content of innovation in products offered, foreign operators and convincing "opinion leaders" that will certainly help strengthening the fruitful paths already been launched to promote the area and our businesses.

inaugural event of the second edition of the Roman SIAFT, the Chamber of Commerce presented the company Foggia FARRIS, young and dynamic company, a manufacturer of dehydrated vegetables and semidry for the food and the final consumer, with references made with organic farming techniques and / or integrated.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Pensieri sparsi...

E' stata una settimana full of work, especially considering that, among all the influences I picked up this year, did not work for several weeks.
And, as every time, pick up after long periods is much more tiring for me, that does not stop at all. Of course, never let go get the maximum amount of vacation, being able to do, but in those years when my holidays were a fortnight, I had no trauma post leave and return during the years when I managed to do a month and more vacation (like last), the shock was enormous. Okay I've rambled
bad ... I wanted to talk about those pictures up there.
Who has already seen some pictures that I posted in the past (and who knows me in person) has recognized my lawn is completely covered with snow. I know that snow is not an extraordinary event, but in my part is not quite so common, so we photographed the snow on Saturday ... that was almost a blizzard, plus. And the next day that the sun was splitting the stones and even more obviously a spray of snow.

These days I have not had time to write, but I read many good news - unlike comedies, and defines them - some of which I share here. After
tried to lower the age (but would retroactively? Well ... he, of course, can ), someone climbing a tad on the mirrors (IMHO of course), is trying to prove that the granddaughter Mubarak - who has become famous
signing autographs like a diva, just because someone is whether the purpose ... uh, do not say bad words, it's okay to do all kinds of crap, but for heaven's sake do not use swear words, marriages and gay adoptions no - better than children remaining in orphanages rather than growing up with two same-sex Long live the traditional family and who cares if a person does is important to mention the orgies (nonsense), arguing exactly the opposite of what you do -
was of age at the time outline the purpose of t @ € Because it recorded to the registry two years after the actual date of birth.
The father, however, seems to deny this revelation.
Hopefully it will not change his mind, he and the registrar of the country where the famous daughter was born, as does most people, when they smell the scent of money.

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Water for elephants

Water for Elephants (adapted from the novel by Sara Gruen ) Is a film that I can not wait to get out to the movies (and is also one of the next book I read).
Speaking of books, I just finished reading The granddaughter of Negus Camilleri, Montalbano a not that I really liked that, between the lines (but not so!), Ironic in a funny way the fascist era .
Returning to the film ... even a title change, though thankfully not very upset, he became in Italian "Like Water for Elephants" with a "how" added there, perhaps you remember " Like Water for Chocolate . .. Dunno, I do not think, but I came immediately to mind.

Set in a circus in the '30s, is, after all, a great dual love story (although it is somewhat 'simplistic to just call it that) ... between Jacob (Rob Pattinson) and Marlena (Reese Witherspoon) ... and between Jacob and Rosie (Tai, the elephant).

Among the key players also Christoph Waltz (who plays Marlena's husband).
The circus I was never attracted that much, even as a child, but this film has something special. The trailer made me fall in love and I can not wait to see him.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Does A Train Go Around A Corner

Captains Dinner from (La Pergola)

Serata dal Capitani per sfoltire le bistecche scommesse a Valencia. Nella serata sono state ricordate tutte le gesta dei nostri Dragoni che, come abbiamo commentato, hanno fatto registrare tempi interessanti sulla pista Spagnola.

Un premio particolare è stato riservato a Del Bianco Senior che dopo la caduta che gli ha impedito di gustarsi le tre giornate, si è conquistato di diritto un gesso al braccio.

Prognosi 20 giorni ma il vecchio Del Bianco con l'aiuto del Corrado (che non si tira mai indietro) inforcando una molina ha provveduto prontamente a rimuovere l'impiccio. Resta quindi a suggello della prova il gesso in versione trofeo.

Serata divertente e spenseriata con prese goliardic around and tell us that they did spend a good time.

Other special moment is documented below!

As you can see from the photos he rubbed the Bank Rate (not proof) to pay for the steak to his grandfather who thanked PLP and digests.

It is understood that they were all good and fast.

Greetings to all and the next!