Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Sintesi sul Federalismo Municipale

the city back to the center of the Administration
Here, through a series of answers to considerations is synthesized
the implementing decree on federalism that gives municipal fiscal autonomy to the municipalities.

Before consideration
Federalism as a reform should be continued with the sharing of all
did not like the government with the sole majority.
Answer: FALSE
The Government, with Minister Calderoli has sought dialogue with not only the opposition but also
with the National Association of Italian Municipalities: in fact the decree on federalism and municipal
'was rewritten 4 times from the first version of August 4, 2010 and as many as 50 of the 70 paragraphs of Article
law have been built along with the parliamentary forces and are shared
bicameralina in Parliament and the opposition and voted against Fli only for political reasons or to try
Berlusconi to sink and did not enter into the merits of
measure (this shows that federalism did not care)

Second consideration
Municipal Federalism With this in reality does not grant fiscal autonomy to the municipalities.
Answer: FALSE
Change and how, given that it passes from a derivative financial system (transfers
state) to a system of fiscal autonomy.
In particular, the municipalities will leave the following taxes: the entire revenue IRPEF
income on land (excluding agricultural income) and that relating to stamp duty and registration on
leases, cost of 30% of the proceeds of taxes on real estate transfers
, sharing 21.7% of the proceeds of the coupon dry rents,
sharing the proceeds of VAT amounting to 2.889 billion euros.

Third consideration
This municipal federalism there will be benefits for northern communities.
Answer: TRUE
A study of the Association of Crafts and Small Enterprises in
Mestre CGIA provides evidence that the decree on federalism municipal realities of the North Central Municipal
will have more money in your pocket. A resident of Lombard will
€ 39 per capita more.

Fourth consideration
Federalism municipal penalizes municipalities of South
Answer: FALSE
Federalism does not penalize either the South or the North.
The Fund established an experimental equilibrium, lasting three years, to eliminate any disparities
and to help small municipalities. The only common
will be penalized those who have spent far too much and now can no longer wasting or stealing.
account with the Federal Hall there will be a reduction in the tax burden.
Answer: TRUE
There will be an obvious savings. Take, for example
coupon to dry on rents for residential buildings:
you will pay 19% or 21% instead of the much higher income tax brackets (from 23% to 43%) and sales taxes
registry and stamp duty on lease with substantial benefits to taxpayers.
In addition, from 2014 the setting that will apply in relation to acts of property transfer
plaice 'from 10% to 9% and 3% to 2% if the transfer will be subject to
the first house.
In addition, municipalities that will help the tax authorities to combat tax evasion will be entitled to 50% of the sums collected
: so the areas that did not pay taxes to pay and only in this way will reduce
for all.

account with the Federal Tax was instituted a new tax, the IMU.
Answer: FALSE
The council tax only (IMU), from 2014, is not a new tax but
replace existing taxes such as the LCI current (and hence
excluding primary residence) and personal income tax ( and related additional) income from land not leased. The rate established and
'0.76% and will be unique and will be applied to all types of buildings.
is also expected that local authorities may, within the time limit for deliberation of the budget estimates
, reduce the rate up to 0.3 percentage points.
Inoltre, a differenza di quanto accade ora, con l'applicazione del Federalismo municipale per
l'immobile locato l'aliquota sarà ridotta della metà (la maggior parte della gente che possiede
la seconda casa in genere la affitta).

Settima considerazione
Con l'introduzione della tassa di soggiorno e della tassa di scopo sono in arrivo nuove tasse per
i cittadini.
Risposta: FALSO
Per quanto riguarda la tassa di soggiorno (una tassa sui turisti fino a 5 Euro per notte che potrà
essere applicata dai comuni capoluogo di provincia e dalle città turistiche e d'arte) e la tassa di
scopo (per la realizzazione di opere pubbliche) they fall under group
additional taxes that municipalities may, but are not obliged to introduce.
income taxes for any purpose and will be used to make new public works

Eighth account
With the release of additionality for ordinary income tax are coming
new taxes for all citizens.
Answer: FALSE
Again, this is not an obligation but rather an option (so much so that the
Moratti in Milan has already stated that any increase will not apply) and still regards
those municipalities that have a ' lower rate of 0.4% to which is given power to ensure
additional municipal income tax increase to a maximum of 0.2% per year but the cap on
remains that of 0.4%.
Council Chamber Group of the Lombardy Region
Lega Lombarda - Lega Nord - PADANIA


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