Saturday, March 12, 2011

Internal Melanoma In Women

Ci sono cose che non si spiegano

Article from regular municipal
This skimpy Administration, strictly defined in accordance with the alternation between the old Christian Democrats and the remnants of the defunct Italian Communist Party, survives. Yet the choices that work
are frankly questionable, hasty, improvised and often incomprehensible, despite a significant fall sullo stato del patrimonio pubblico e del territorio. È il caso Fimer, ove avrebbe potuto portare a casa ben altro risultato o, ancor peggio, il caso della recente “SVENDITA” di tre terreni Comunali, chiamata “PERMUTA ” di immobili che permuta non è. Una operazione di svendita del patrimonio pubblico fallimentare dove l’Amministrazione è con il cappello in mano dietro la schiena, mentre la controparte
Società privata, insindacabilmente stabilisce prezzi e condizioni sottovalutando ciò che acquista, sopravvalutando ciò che cede e pagando quando vuole. Una non permuta, poiché i 35 mila mq. di terreni
sono scambiati al 60% con una somma in denaro (3 rate, la 3° dopo 17 mesi, to June 2012) and only a residual part
with a building, shed 90 unusable. A
affair defined by the Mayor "brilliant" operation while the Deputy Mayor for Public Works, the protagonist of the negotiations and our Moses, invoking the biblical "manna" without realizing it, plentiful, unfortunately, does not fall into the pockets of citizens who administers.
Without explanation, there are also choices of less strategic significance, but of greater impact on the perception of our people, like the face of market Velate. In this regard, it was just a "touch and go." Great emphasis at the time of the inauguration and then oblivion. At the end
December we exchanged a few words with the peddlers. The feeling was that we all agree on the inadequacy of the place, the lack of parking, the narrowness of the area while providing overlapping activities (three stalls of fruit and vegetables out of fourteen of the seventeen total allocated
available) condemns them to live closely him. Already
choice because the area is narrow, cramped, located at the end of UNAVIA equally close, hidden, no parking, convenient only for those who live nearby, but unattainable by those who must use the vehicle for the transport of goods at home purchased.

At the time we suggested that the adminis-tration to locate the new market at the Center
Commercial (Vega) Velate, which, sheltered from traffic, easy access, with
its parking lots and wide streets would worthily housed , also creating a valuable synergy with commercial activities. The largest influx of potential customers would in fact benefit to both
while broadening the spectrum of supply and demand.
would not be in addition to all non-space to organize exhibitions specializing in niche markets, making it an attraction even from neighboring towns. Simple no!? Obviously, the choice was via Volta, with the known and predictable results. Even a stand of North Africa is gone, we have hit bottom! The other, our, stand up, but many of us have admitted that sooner or later they will go away, do not make it!
Meanwhile, the Commercial Center (la Vega) Velate is slowly consuming, abandoned by this Administration to alternating current. The shops are suffering because of this lack of sufficient public made up almost always by the same people, the few residents. The vandals Series B,
those of the neighborhood, rage and destroy infrastructure, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers emptied against
dampers, divelgono signs and mail boxes, make bonfires steps in front of the entrances of the box, while thieves plundered the stores more attractive: the tobacconist, newsagent, gutters and
steal copper pipes and so on. But it's all right, we are in the media, rather the trend is decreasing, beautiful
satisfaction!. Maybe this Wild West atmosphere like on our left the government, but live in it is not pleasant.
The damage must be repaired and they do the shopkeepers at their own expense (the area of \u200b\u200bthe Centre is private), thus reducing even further the already meager earnings. Of course this Administration uses two weights and two measures
: a compliant with the powerful (rich businessmen) and the other guilty of distraction
for the many problems of the citizens, left to fend for themselves.
The country is small. People know it as the Piave whispered!
Group Consiliare Lega Nord Padania


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