Friday, March 4, 2011

Used Shooting Arcade Machines

Pensieri sparsi...

E' stata una settimana full of work, especially considering that, among all the influences I picked up this year, did not work for several weeks.
And, as every time, pick up after long periods is much more tiring for me, that does not stop at all. Of course, never let go get the maximum amount of vacation, being able to do, but in those years when my holidays were a fortnight, I had no trauma post leave and return during the years when I managed to do a month and more vacation (like last), the shock was enormous. Okay I've rambled
bad ... I wanted to talk about those pictures up there.
Who has already seen some pictures that I posted in the past (and who knows me in person) has recognized my lawn is completely covered with snow. I know that snow is not an extraordinary event, but in my part is not quite so common, so we photographed the snow on Saturday ... that was almost a blizzard, plus. And the next day that the sun was splitting the stones and even more obviously a spray of snow.

These days I have not had time to write, but I read many good news - unlike comedies, and defines them - some of which I share here. After
tried to lower the age (but would retroactively? Well ... he, of course, can ), someone climbing a tad on the mirrors (IMHO of course), is trying to prove that the granddaughter Mubarak - who has become famous
signing autographs like a diva, just because someone is whether the purpose ... uh, do not say bad words, it's okay to do all kinds of crap, but for heaven's sake do not use swear words, marriages and gay adoptions no - better than children remaining in orphanages rather than growing up with two same-sex Long live the traditional family and who cares if a person does is important to mention the orgies (nonsense), arguing exactly the opposite of what you do -
was of age at the time outline the purpose of t @ € Because it recorded to the registry two years after the actual date of birth.
The father, however, seems to deny this revelation.
Hopefully it will not change his mind, he and the registrar of the country where the famous daughter was born, as does most people, when they smell the scent of money.


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