Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Promethazine Tablets Boots

SIAFT (South Italy Agrofood and Tourism). Elisha Zanasi, "The Chambers of Commerce has once again proven to be able to make the team."

The Chambers of Commerce has once again proven to be able to work as a team, combining experience and commitment to neighboring territories for the development of agribusiness and tourism, areas of economic importance to the economy of the South.

It 'as said President of the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia, Eliseo Zanasi, speaking in Rome at the opening of the second edition of SIAFT (South Italy Agrofood and Tourism) project which sees the Chambers of four southern provinces (Crotone , Foggia, Matera, Potenza) jointly engaged in the exploitation of important resources, quality and promotion of companies in a geographically close, but different in their type and potential, with the active support of the National Mondimpresa and Unioncamere, which control room.

Divided into stages and just wandering dedicated to wine, oil, agricultural food production and tourism, the project SIAFT has already given ample evidence of having been able to catch the signs of recovery arising from the international scene, creating an initiative organized by the "incoming" of major foreign buyers, from prestigious markets (U.S., Russian, Polish and German), involved in products and sectors that characterize the "Made in Italy".

"Companies Zanasi he added in this second edition will play a leading role, demonstrating the link with the territory of origin and at the same time, the willingness and ability to achieve continuous improvements in quality and content of innovation in products offered, foreign operators and convincing "opinion leaders" that will certainly help strengthening the fruitful paths already been launched to promote the area and our businesses.

inaugural event of the second edition of the Roman SIAFT, the Chamber of Commerce presented the company Foggia FARRIS, young and dynamic company, a manufacturer of dehydrated vegetables and semidry for the food and the final consumer, with references made with organic farming techniques and / or integrated.


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