Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Garm The Invincible Blade

And away you go

After taking a nasty blow to Rome, my body has not yet absorbed the stomach trouble.
I'm improving little by little. But
empty legs and fear of returning to the "abyss" I slow down a little training and the desire to push. After Rome
few miles even though the desire to run was great. A 50in
km and Sunday half a very difficult up and down between a start and close.

Locked in an honorable 1h23'00 "
I do the first lap of the lake Caldaro heating and get ready for the race along with several runner from South Tyrol.
Departure and as usual in this location for the first km is made between persons salom slower.
As the path widens, I try to recover by turning to 3'40 "without any problems. Coupling the first group of three women and I am without straining them too much. Then I let myself slide from the first two and I am in the company of the usual runner Fraveggio, with which I will run almost the entire race.
The course is difficult with continuous up and down and curves and is very hard to keep pace. I set to pull a little the first lap and stay on the 40 'for the first half of the race e poi rallentare un pò per non soffrire troppo il secondo giro e la seconda scorpacciata di salite.
Cosi è, passo al traguardo del primo giro in 40'13" dopo aver doppiato la distanza di 10k a 38'10".
Rallento un pò per riprendere fiato conscio che la mia forma non è delle migliori.
Arrivo sulla seconda serie di salite e li come per incanto si accende un pò la luce, le gambe anche se stanche non si bloccano e riesco a superere gli ultimi 3 km con una bella media di 3'50" (che tutto sommato non è male viste le salite e la mia poca propensione alla discesa)
Chiudo cosi in un onesto 1h23'00" come da programma.
Avevo pronosticato un tempo fra 1'24" e 1'22".
Ieri I leave Monday for a restoring of 15k and legs tired though still well-paced run, a sign that the recovery there. So I close my day with a 30ina km. 9 and 21 balndo at a pace in the race.

now is to see how to shoot and when to resume training quality.
With this blow to the stomach, strangely I was very rallenatata speed "cruise" and if I want to push 4 'I have to think about it. Before I turned to Rome that pace without even realizing it.
Now, advice, resting or strike while the iron is hot and try to get out of this "chasm" by giving us empty inside? Tell you friends

Fat leaves the door open that can answer all!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How To Remove Vacuum Sealed Pan Lid

goddamn 50 minutes

We are 50 minutes. The limit of the race before the stomach to wake up and break the boxes with pain.
After Rome I have regained a year after a tibial evil. Pain that much bother, but not when I run. Like last year after running the marathon in Rome this problem. I have fine and delicate ankles and evidently a lot of cobblestones give me much trouble. Perhaps some cross this winter would be good. But sopno a marathon runner not a trailer!

This week will bring in a discharge of km but with a couple of exercises important to then go in the half Caldaro, where I warm up for 10k and then I will run the half at a rate not exceeding 4 'in km while maintaining control over speed. I hope to close between 1:24 and 1:22 but if I feel good I try to do the second lap of the lake a little faster.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Generateur .sid Windowblinds 7

That figure of M. .. guys, I have stolen the yellow balloon! My

And now what do we do? They stole the balloon, and the expression says it all!

Rome gave me the shot hunchback for the second time!

Tail nice load for avvenutra by pacer, with a bit of concern for the stomach acid that has plagued me in recent weeks.

Departing take quite a handful for the first 15k and I urge chat and talk with everybody. Then to the 18th
happens that the acidity is felt. Well I knew that arrived stinking bad, now you're there!
I run with the hope that as in times past and is only a 30min walk to panic. But nothing
indeed s'incazza well. Acidity does not stop in the pit of your stomach, but goes on about how the kilometers pass. At the restaurant where I Uscuru is the first collapse of the crash, accompanied by excruciating pain, which was acid in the stomach passes into the throat and I have to stop to vomit for the first time.
I drink a little water to lift the burning in my throat and I carry his companions in adventure.
Semba has passed, but it is not the same old story 28th, 600m time "lump" in the pit of the stomach and the same old story as before.
At 29 meters and some do not succeed faccio più ammaino i palloncini e mi tiro allaprima tenda medica dove rigurgito una sostanza giallastra fra l'incredulità degli aiutanti medici.

Prendo la mia copertina tolgo il chip e mi metto nell'autobus scopa e li qualcuno mi ha rubato l'ultimo palloncino!

Maledizione che figura di M..... allenarsi a ritmi molto più veloci e per molti più km e risultare nel momento chiave n'a chiavica.
Il mio primo ritiro, bruttissimo demoralizzante e sinceramente dopo 2 settimane di stess, come quelle che ho passato, fanno passare la voglia anche a me

Non so adesso... domani proverò ad andare all'ospedale, ma una gastroscopia mi sa che ci sta tutta :-( Non riesco a bere nemmeno un sorso d'acqua I see the stars think about eating!

I apologize as soon as possible with fellow adventurers, and I apologize formally with friends blogtrotter to have disappointed the stock racing. If I

riverrà the desire to run, I promise to sing as soon as possible victory, but right now, I'm pretty "attpirato"

Fat, shut the door and 2 turns that I stay in here alone to cry on .. . Mistake? Sin? Somewhere something must have worked, but I do not understand.
Good race everyone!

Ps. Congratulations to Blogtrotter finishers, I've seen all good!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ebay Singapore Waffle Maker

the yellow balloon

My my my, by damn way you want steal it.
So I will run Sunday, clutching my yellow balloon that everyone will want to take me away.
And try to steal it, corretemi behind! :-)
After a week of discharge, more psychological than anything else, I ran two 15k all at marathon pace of Rome 4'13 "/ 15"
The feelings are good even if the stomach continues to bubble, we hope to have no problems .
I'm leaving and I do not ruberete my balloon, and as the saying Bress "Signora, the Vittorio Veneto, which is ghe drio chorus to what m'a el portfolio stuff, I'll run away to prevent me from stealing the balloon!
My my my my my my :-)

Fat shut the door if not, here I come and steal the yellow balloon! See you in Rome
see you

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How To Bpm Studio Internet Radio

week loading and photos Treviso marathon

Hello everybody will end a week full of miles of travel and physical ailments
I have a recurring problem of stomach acid that I did not budge, will be nervous or stressed only that I have excruciating pain while running, especially after 20km, we hope to pass slowly

This week was dedicated to crush some km.Tutte outputs that I have been on (or near) the 20k

Monday : 20km quick to 4'04 "
Tuesday : 23km medium walk 4'19"
Wednesday: Rest Thursday
: 23Km passo medio 4'15"
Venerdi : Riposo e notte insonne
Sabato : 26Km passo medio veloce 4'12" - 24km + 10x100+100 (tot 2km)
Domenica : Sorpresa agli amici bloggers e mi sono presentato a Treviso per fare un piccolo allenamento fuori programma, foto foto foto e 20km accompagnando l'amico Demis fino quasi al traguardo 4'26"
Concluso la settimana con 111,68km alla media di 4'15"

N'a bella macinata.
Qui sotto il link per il mio Picasa dove gli amici Bloggers troveranno le foto di Treviso. Se volete le foto in grandezza originale, perchè vi piacciono mandatemi una mail or write it here on the blog so send them to you. On Picasa I put the light version only for display.

Fat wait 1 min and then close the door, so you're always late for 1 min :-)
photos Treviso Marathon 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Spray Can I Use For My Microwave

It 's been a year already

E 'has now been a year since my marathon in Treviso on Sunday many friends will participate in the marathon has given me much satisfaction to be the time for their efforts in running.
Good luck guys.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thick White Mucus Before Menstruation

Word kept

When President Bressan accuses me of always running in the uniform of my company "athletics Rotagliana" as he says, I can not help but what to say, "ok porssima the time I run the tank with lightning."
Here is the evidence of my commitment. So to say is ....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Installation Mount & Blade

Sunday Fiorentina

A few km ground this week. 66km are very few, but full of quality and "long"

Two outputs from 23 ~ a repeat of the court, and a race on 10k with the official staff (although some Scarsini)

wind and cold made me feel at home both Friday and Saturday, but Sunday I had an appointment with his friend Matt (closed in a dry Brao 36.00) for a 10,000 to Sesto Fiorentino.
A distance that I do not like it at all, I have not digested and never digest, especially until the marathon :-)
prepare well organized race with many participants, a little spoiled by the wind that carries away a few seconds, but ended at 3:45 of the media and satisfied with a time of 37.44 (The adiSTAR are phenomenal at this distance, I always still A3)
reach the target of being under 38 and not to die.
I feel my legs starting to craburare after 7/8km, too late for a 10k, no?
Okay so now waiting a week to load a 7x7 and it aims to make motions km, and then waiting to download Rome.

Good racing to all. Fat
close the door, with that wind I'm in danger of making us take away all the dossier

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rossignol Amber Snowboard

Introducing the new arrivals

As in any good respectable family, we make presentations of new arrivals
Nike Victory +

And his sister
Adidas adistar Boston 2009

Both voted to speed.
The slightly heavier as nike, adidas a glove to be used with extreme caution. They are however still looking
dell'A3 that can accompany me in marathons.
I have discarded the Nike Glide because I have had confirmation that Nike does not have the fit for me, arch plants too pronounced and long-distance suffering with blisters in that area. Let's see what comes out

For 30 hours after Sunday I did the exits

Sunday: 30km Belluno - Feltre to 4'03 (first km with nike and the first blisters)
Monday: Rest
Tuesday : 23 km pace +10 "RM (Nike yet)
Wednesday : Risc + 2km Rip 15x300 (300 + 1 'recovery Semiactive "fast walking 30 + 20 + 10 running slow acceleration) have been repeated over time 1:02 to 1:04 - 1:00 to 1:06 - 1:01 to 0:59 - 0:56 to 0:59 - 1:02 to 0:56 - 0:55 to 0:55 - 0.58 - 0:58 to 0:57 rec + 1km (Adidas)

All in all not bad, I have a lot of speed in the legs, but with loads of miles of bygone days perhaps we are too.
on Garmin saw the passing of 3'00 "and also a faster 2'59" for the time on the km.
Tomorrow is repeated with the 23 to take away some more miles.

Fat leave the door open with all these shoes I guess I have to go out of the house ....

Good racing to all