Sunday, March 14, 2010

How To Bpm Studio Internet Radio

week loading and photos Treviso marathon

Hello everybody will end a week full of miles of travel and physical ailments
I have a recurring problem of stomach acid that I did not budge, will be nervous or stressed only that I have excruciating pain while running, especially after 20km, we hope to pass slowly

This week was dedicated to crush some km.Tutte outputs that I have been on (or near) the 20k

Monday : 20km quick to 4'04 "
Tuesday : 23km medium walk 4'19"
Wednesday: Rest Thursday
: 23Km passo medio 4'15"
Venerdi : Riposo e notte insonne
Sabato : 26Km passo medio veloce 4'12" - 24km + 10x100+100 (tot 2km)
Domenica : Sorpresa agli amici bloggers e mi sono presentato a Treviso per fare un piccolo allenamento fuori programma, foto foto foto e 20km accompagnando l'amico Demis fino quasi al traguardo 4'26"
Concluso la settimana con 111,68km alla media di 4'15"

N'a bella macinata.
Qui sotto il link per il mio Picasa dove gli amici Bloggers troveranno le foto di Treviso. Se volete le foto in grandezza originale, perchè vi piacciono mandatemi una mail or write it here on the blog so send them to you. On Picasa I put the light version only for display.

Fat wait 1 min and then close the door, so you're always late for 1 min :-)
photos Treviso Marathon 2010


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