Friday, March 19, 2010

Ebay Singapore Waffle Maker

the yellow balloon

My my my, by damn way you want steal it.
So I will run Sunday, clutching my yellow balloon that everyone will want to take me away.
And try to steal it, corretemi behind! :-)
After a week of discharge, more psychological than anything else, I ran two 15k all at marathon pace of Rome 4'13 "/ 15"
The feelings are good even if the stomach continues to bubble, we hope to have no problems .
I'm leaving and I do not ruberete my balloon, and as the saying Bress "Signora, the Vittorio Veneto, which is ghe drio chorus to what m'a el portfolio stuff, I'll run away to prevent me from stealing the balloon!
My my my my my my :-)

Fat shut the door if not, here I come and steal the yellow balloon! See you in Rome
see you


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