Sunday, February 27, 2011

Brazilian Soundfont Bank

rate after Valencia Valencia Valencia

Audience with pleasure some nice pictures that I sent the rate on its return to Italian soil. As you can see the feeling with the new Suzuki is growing and we believe that when all the means at hand will be really tough!

Department gasss folds and to stick as always!

Greetings to all

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Card Verses For An Eleven Year Old

Una "bambina" felice

Sunday afternoon.
In a large shopping mall, where they are temporarily crowded (and hot, because there is heat set at tropical temperature) all the inhabitants of Catania and its province, a woman enters, with making sure, in a famous shop , huge and crowded, making for great strides towards a precise area, the center of which does not go unnoticed two huge televisions, game consoles connected to the same number, which kidnapped two boys are playing.
His object of desire - has finally decided to buy it after several years - is just steps away and the woman who is a foretaste of the fitness session dell'indomani morning.
picks up, with shining eyes, the packaging she thinks contains the object of desire in its entirety and request confirmation note the details of the department. These
, probably a bit 'sad at the thought of happiness dampen the glare of the woman who sits in front of the formal communication "Sorry madam, the consoles are finite. She holds a
hiccups and a subdued chatter "What bad luck!", Then reassembles, force may be used and asks when they arrive.
The answer is depressing: "I do not know, the console will be finished by Christmas."

For the series never say never ...
Although video games have always intrigued me, and in some periods, even slightly addicted, and though I wanted some time - at times frenzied - Some games I had seen at a friend's house, I did not believe that one day I bought a game console.
yet happened.
is not the Wii, which is what I tried on Sunday, but the Xbox.
do not know the differences between the two, but my Xbox has something so cool, I think the Wii has not, which is the Kinect .
do not know the technical details, however the Kinect is a sensor with a video camera that allows the player to interact with the console through your body.
You select the options - that you see on screen - with the hand that touches a particular spot in the air and played no more moving joystick and pressing keys, but ... moving.
So, if you do motion games, best done in suit! The
Kinect is also the photos while you're busy dodging objects, jumping, flying, kicking, catching in absurd poses ... In this regard, it is good to play and not properly dressed in shorts or with curlers in the head, for Xbox also shares the pictures online, if you log in and change the default settings. From

Pacman or Popeye , in games played with the bars, even many years ago, this ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Super Absorbent Tampons

Cosa vedo se mi affaccio

One of the many reasons why it's nice to wake up (*)
especially waking up in this house
is out on the porch and see the shining sea .
The picture does not capture the beauty of an absolute reality,
also because I took it that is a landslide
(I usually shake hands and are also moved,
at least not this time).
It 's very nice evening and also look out
see the moon reflected on the sea.
But this is even more difficult to capture with the camera,
especially for me.

(*) Some of the reasons why it's nice to wake up and we should
, a bit 'all, be more grateful
(the Case for God to Allah to whom you want), I
view, at this moment: Being able to wake up in the morning

and be able to walk up to appear on the porch
and then to look ahead and see a panorama
and be able to take a picture and then post it on blogs and
can hear the noise does the silence
and to think how nice it is to do all the things
without limits if not the very nature
and without anxieties that oppress you
like swords of Damocles over the head.

By the way, you know, or do you remember the story of
sword of Damocles?

It would take every day as an awakening.
for all.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Buffer Calculator Online

Odio Tele2 (2)

"Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons.
But When All Is Said and Done, They have one thing in common: They are shooting stars
-a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity
. And in a flash, they're gone. "

Rachel McAdams and quote from" The Notebook ".
has nothing to do with this post, but I wanted something nice
to think about, as I write this thing anything but pleasant.

are generally a kind, calm and quiet, but when I feel cheated or I'm dealing with incompetent people, I become odious and hateful.
will not explain in detail what happened this summer with that "very serious" company, with whom I had a contract package old home, for several years.
The only thing that matters is that, thanks incompetence (or lack of good faith) of the call center staff - I had to pay the rent for two months in which no more had been living in the house (more than 70 €).
Moreover, any unpaid invoices (we never received), not even warn us before (and have to say that all our cell phone numbers and e-mail), we have reported to a debt collection company, which has demanded payment, plus the costs clearly (17 euro).
Mi chiedo se per cose come queste (anche per cifre inferiori a 100 euro), poi si finisce additati come cattivi pagatori e vengono rifiutati finanziamenti e cose simili.
Dopo incazzature e riflessioni, ho deciso di pagare e di togliermi dalla parte del torto e poi questa mattina ho presentato un reclamo di 4 pagine, portato a conoscenza anche di un'associazione di consumatori, nel quale ho chiesto il rimborso dei due canoni e delle spese di 17 euro.
Non è il primo reclamo che faccio, degli altri se ne sono fregati, ma questa volta ho messo in copia l' associazione di consumatori e ho citato i punti della loro carta dei servizi che hanno disatteso...
Vediamo come finisce.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Lightscribe Dvdburner

Luna per aria

Moon air (which inspired the name of my blog) is the title of the book he is writing Virginia, a great friend of mine ... book which I read every piece as they write and that she can not wait to see how it ends.
His writing is fresh and smooth, the first-person narrative makes you empathize with what you read, the argument that it is intriguing ... is a fantasy, but not even the Tolkien and Harry Potter (which we still love it !)... no wizard, elf or dwarf, but two girls teens, grown up, with two aunts who remind us of "Love and magic spells, herbs and stones magiche, protagoniste di una storia di una fantasia sfrenata, ambientata in un mondo magico diverso dal solito.

Se volete leggerne un'anteprima, si trova qui .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kates Playground Office Wine

Velocità di lettura

Non sapevo di leggere in fretta, sino a quando ho cominciato a confrontarmi con altre persone sui tempi medi di lettura. E mi sono resa conto che leggo parecchio più veloce di tante altre persone.
E' un bene? Mah... alcuni mi invidiano, ma non so se è una cosa buona in generale.
E, per me, non lo è, almeno non sempre, perché la velocità di lettura influisce negativamente... non tanto sul mio livello di comprensione del testo al momento, like - I read somewhere - it should happen but, more importantly, on what I remember after some time.
In fact, I have read many books in my life and those of which I remember very well the plot will be a few dozen.
Sure, I remember the books I've read several times and even those who have impressed me for some reason, but the others ...
There are books in my library ... I do not know if I read them or not.
There are books that I know I have read and I do not remember reading them. I happened, in this respect, the other day to read e-mail that I sent to a friend even a couple of years ago. In this e-mail about a book I had just finished - and I was well liked - and I do not remember way of reading it. The thing I was a bit 'hit, because at that moment I thought I read something written by someone else and instead it was something written by me ( inspiration: I invent a story about this topic? ).
Reading speed is not something that voluntary rules, I know that there are techniques to learn to read fast ... I, however, I would be able to read more slowly ... only that, do I have to concentrate not so little happens that is so focused, attentive to read slowly, I do not understand what I read ... paradoxically.

The Waxing Company Hawaii

Intolleranze alimentari e divagazioni sul tema (e non)

"For fully enjoy the tea, it should be dropped completely in the present. Only in the awareness of this
your hands can feel the pleasant warmth of the cup. Only in this
you can savor the aroma, feel the sweetness, appreciate the delicacy.
If you're mulling things past or worrying about the future, completely miss the experience of enjoying a cup of tea.
Moreover, looking into the cup, and tea there will be no more "
- Monaco and Zen philosopher Thich Nhat Hanh -

I once attended a sort of tea ceremony.
We were about ten people, in a bare room, sitting on the floor on rugs and cushions, in penumbra. They offered us cups of green tea in particular, in a very simple harmony and silence. It 'been a suggestive that made me think about that sentence up there.

Herbal teas and tea, along with cups, is one of my fixations.
I really like large cups, the ones where it comes nearly half a liter of milk or tea. I can not stand those little, those that must be filled three times to drink the desired amount of liquid! The cups must be colored, not white. I especially like those only color.

Here the site from which I drew the original image of the cups.

These are some of varieties of tea and herbal teas
that there are at this time in my house.

Recently I sipped the orange and cinnamon, which is very good usually, but, as they are cooled again to death and not feel the taste, it seemed vaguely flavored hot water. That is not the best.
least I hope that the fact that I do not feel the taste, now keep me away from the refrigerator and other food temptations, my balance before you behave like this:

fly over
Links diet, because there would be crying, talking instead of food intolerances.
For several years I am convinced that they suffer from food intolerance, some for me in the continuous presence of almost all symptoms, among the multitude of those that are cited as a sign of intolerance and in some way so "serious" to interfere with the normal activities of daily living.
But I never decided to do the test, because not recommended by some doctors and various things I've read about, that "liquidate" these tests as unnecessary.
So in effect, I do not know how plausible, but the other day I made them and found very intolerant to certain foods ... and, above all, the most feared (because deep down I knew it, but I wanted that were not so!), I love most and which I always thought it could not do without: the milk (with a value found in my blood which is well above the normal range, like 50 times.)

good intentions.
Now try, hoping to have the force of will - just because the diets are not for me - for one month to avoid foods that contain milk (and cheese), eggs, peppers, spices, potatoes, mushrooms, Soy ... if only the milk and eggs are all that in one form or another, eat usually.
And if, through diet, the symptoms disappear, I'll have a chat with those who "tests are useless."

Monday, February 14, 2011

If A Cannon Ball Deepest Ocean

Sciando sopra le nuvole

Skiing above the clouds.

Etna, Nicolosi - February 12 2011.
The rights of the pictures are of Mark.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Vajinas Pıctures

stories and pills and pills 2

was over it the Bilia would have been happy! He played a steak against Stephen F. BEST LAP not only between the two but also the best finish in the race.

In fact it's over like in the picture below and then Bilia had to pay the steak to Stephen, who merited thanks and digests the meal.

That's the beauty of track and the next time we'll see.
Greetings to All


Tales from Valencia Valencia

This beautiful image refers to the Ducati 1198 of PLP. At the English circuit as you probably read in previous blog, posted the fastest time winning the coveted trophy's Dragon Fly. Bravo old PLP who always manages to bring out the best lap. Greetings to All

Friday, February 11, 2011


Kamasutra LAP

I've tried almost all of them.

Battery Operated Drag Dog

Prove tecniche e paure

I do not know what it represents, but inspires me ... I was going to write serenity ... Then I noticed those figures on the right below, which are reflected in the water and disturb me ... are gazing at the edge or are in the water, trapped in a parallel reality?

Just now it's been a UFO (not understood in common, but in its literal translation unidentified flying object ) height well below normal height at which aircraft fly the common ... I was busy in the extremely acute preparation of a pastry with bacon (yes, yes ... I cut the cheese) and a deafening noise scared me for several seconds ... one of my irrational fears (or maybe not) - all being eaten by sharks or fall with the plane being shot in the back or if I am to give away to a dark area - is that a plane crashed into the house with me. Even if you were out, I would bother, but for sure, if I was in, it would be worse.
Obviously I'm here to tell about, so it did not happen.
However, today is a day of unusual noises, in fact, a few minutes, you hear a loud hammering coming from the house next door ... I know that they are certainly not the neighbors ... So what? Going to investigate is not for me.

Having said this, since I just wanted to make a technical test to see if my repeated attempts to do - even when I do not understand anything of what I do - he the success that I hope ... let me know if you see this post with the usual font or a different font ... And ditto for the
titoletti in the sidebar on the right. Thanks. :))

And because this talk of UFOs, I thought of the first UFO in my life: ATLAS UFO ROBOT ... Grendizer. If you were born between 1970 and 80 - maybe - you know this cartoon. For me, along with Heidi, is one of the first things I remember from my childhood. Below, the original Japanese symbols.
The first, in particular, I like a lot, because that is when they put Actarus popped out of the waterfall with his ship and met with the robot.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Annealing Time Calculation


Everyone is master of his own life and responsible for their actions.
When another feels right to put your mouth in choices - so that your only have an impact on your, life -, and judging even criticizing harshly, criticize harshly, for no reason, without your having asked for anything ... and then try without a minimum of remorse for having said some unnecessary things, free, stupid ...
At that moment, inside you, screaming at the top of you in the throat and want to smash everything and would like to remind the world that life is one and that we should appreciate every moment, instead of wasting time to get blowjobs and unnecessary bother others.
And, meanwhile, another day is gone.

Making Waffles With Sandwich Maker

third day and final ranking second day

(PLP) Ebbene si anche questa uscita e' andata..... Vorrei provare ad analizzare questi tre giorni sia per l'organizzazione che per le prestazioni di ognuno di noi (naturalmente sono valutazioni personali e quindi più o meno condivisibili).
L' organizzazione da parte nostra e' stata buona, anche se si puo' fare sempre meglio. Dal punto di vista dei trasporti e per la tempistica tutto e' filato liscio, anche per la parte economica siamo rimasti nelle cifre preventivate.
The move smart and clever and 'was to involve our trusted mechanic who, with his well known Corrado professionalism as well as be available to all without sclera offered his friendship thing is priceless and for that we thank him.
Now to my comment on the results of these three days:
1:57:00 and Raphael Del Bianco 'was unfortunate not only for the fall but have not had the chance' to turn the second and third day because of swollen hand. Too bad 'cause the 250 GP sounded like a violin and the "Old Raffa" was nice load! It 'not too old, he will be back' next year. Paolo Picchi
1.52,5 ill-treated by 'flu, in the race gave his best and finished third in his glides.
Tagliasacchi Andrea (Panda) 1.52,0 after overcoming several problems in the back and arms, even if the chrono is not 'the best state has a lot of laps and then look to the future with optimism.
Luca Farinelli 1.51.1 whereas the track and 'went a few times I was very surprised at his performance and if I think that the goal' of my years ........
Micci Richard (Miquik) 1.50,9 "thought better" he has yet to recover from 'knee injury I had the chance' to prove his kawa and I guarantee that it is not 'just too good to be strong, came the child will make us 'see' the green mice.
Bilia Massimiliano 1.50.1 Although the bike is now at the top and 'non-performance but not all the tracks are "digested" the same way. After the wedding will be 'all over' easy ..... (We hope).
Stefano Fornari 1.49,1 frighteningly fast (even with the truck and 'came before us who travel by air) bravo bravo bravo ...
Cristofani Alessandro 1.48,7 old bikes, new rider and 'went' to the beast "perhaps due to excessive heat and 'ran in two crashes, but as they say" craft that goes. "
Gonnella Rischard (Riscy) 1.48,6 after beating the record of "fast fall" and 'shared managed to finish second in the cat. Open A (R1 motorcycle mod. 2004) a lot of stuff ....
Del Bianco Emanuele (SDU) 1.48,5 I always see him driving emotion .... and 'the ultimate expression of passion and willpower' ......
"The most 'Soon" Tassoni Alessandro (Tasso) 1.45,2 undoubtedly the most' specific and precise in the guide that is in the care of the details of the bike without leaving the athletic training, with the new bike (Suzuki K5) will 'a bone more and more' hard for everyone. Pierluigi
Pieroni (PLP) 1.44,8 am pleased with the days spent together and I thank them all.
performance and 'went beyond the mie aspettative.(Non so se senza la 1198s.......).
Un grazie a tutti quelli che ci seguivano da casa e ai nostri sostenitori che sono sempre numerosi.

Saluti a tutti

Strange Spots Appear On Skin After Dream

Copyright issues

This image inspires me serenity at its best.
I've got a dream catcher, but is smaller than that. Maybe I should
dotarmi of a bigger, like the one in the picture, to chase away bad dreams and avoid blind sassy old women.

Just today I spoke with someone of copyright and why mai qualcuno dovrebbe copiare le bestialità che scrivo qui.
Dieci minuti fa, mentre facevo una ricerca con google, sono capitata su una pagina facebook, la cui descrizione era un lungo estratto di questo mio post. Ora, di sicuro lì nessuno ci guadagna e mi ha fatto anche piacere che qualcuno abbia evidentemente apprezzato quel mio monologo sul lanternino, che nessuno ha mai commentato... io avrei messo, però, almeno un link alla pagina del mio blog. No?

Yellow Dots On Squash Balls

Valencia Spain

Secondo giorno con Rossocorsa e il Tassoni si conferma il più veloce ma ora vi do i dettagli dei tempi:
Tassoni con 1:45:800; PLP con1:47:500; Risci con 1:49:200 che lo fa partire in pole nella finale B; Sdu 1:49:300; Cristofani 1:50.100; bilia 1:50:900; Fornari 1:51; panda 1:52; Miquiq 1:52; Luca 1:54; Paolo 1:56; del bianco non ha girato per i postumi della caduta.
Ma i giochi non are made and tomorrow we'll see. Greetings to all

When Have You Felt Ashamed

Un vaggio alla ricerca di qualcosa che non c'era.

Notte stellata - Van Gogh

Che mi piacerebbe scrivere, anzi saper scrivere e magari guadagnarmi da vivere scrivendo, l'ho already said so many times. I never thought to be good, but I like to write.
I know it will never become a making machine like Stephen King books and I'll never have the talent to Umberto Eco, but tastes in reading are very subjective, so one day you may get something like what happened to Rowling (Harry Potter) or Meyer (Twilight), which from day to day, writers have found the world's most famous ... who knows.
There is hope, even if I write the worst of mica Meyer!
clear that I, though not a bimbominkia (someone wrote somewhere that only bimbominkia appreciate the Twilight books), I bed and I am passionate about the Twilight books, because Meyer has invented a story, written in a simple way that has something romantic to dream ... certainly does not inspire all of safe and makes you dream a lot bimbominkia, but also many adults, with brains and not necessarily frustrated housewives (another cliche about those who read the Twilight books) ... I'm not home and even frustrated.
I hate clichés, in parentheses.
But Meyer is not a writer who knows what level, to what he's ahead without some kind of big words or difficult style ... because it could not happen to me?! :)))
Rowling, however, I think a genius. The saga of Harry Potter is simply terrific and the fantasy of this woman has no limits. Rowling is definitely one of my myths.

Eventually, however, said my new friend Mark's blog , not to me but to someone else, I write primarily for myself, because I like it.
And I enjoy sharing what I write. None
then be obliged to read or tell me "how I love your story!" if it is not true.
I also hate the hypocrisy.
Better a "No, thank you, write it as a bimbominkia!" or the more diplomatic "I do not like your style" ... then, seriously, if you do not like the style of a writer, even if Umberto Eco, there is little to do, you can not read it.

said ... I just can not write a novel.
The novel (or something) I'm writing right now is far from complete (and there are still a couple of years), although theoretically the ideas I would as well, and my favorite long tale is over but stuck (to myself) because I like it, there are some nice ideas in it, but I know I have to change something.
Then the other day I decided to write a series of short stories, perhaps set in train and, for once, without horror or supernatural stuff in the middle. The first is this
here. Thanks
for any feedback, but do not feel compelled to give me. :)

I decided to share the things I wrote, as they convinced me, with Google Documents, as it did with the story of the road some time ago.

Just for completeness, since I used the term bimbominkia several times, the definition found here and a detailed report on the uses and customs of bombominkia here. There is even a definition in 'Urban Dictionary .

PS Question for those who write and publish on-line ... stories to protect against theft as you do? you can register them somewhere? non penso che qualcuno possa trovare i miei racconti tanto interessanti da rubarmeli, pubblicarli e farci un sacco di soldi, ma... consigli?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ayurvedic J Kumarakom.

Già detto che vorrei scappare? Mi sa di sì.

Pista da sci - Etna, Nicolosi. 06/2/2011
Foto di Marco.

L'altra notte ho sognato che mio marito mi tradiva con una donna anziana e io le cavavo gli occhi, nel frattempo una mia cara amica mi odiava e i ladri entravano in casa, poi c'era un terremoto e infine, per fortuna, la sveglia mi ha avvertito che era ora di alzarmi.
Per una volta, non ho odiato il suono della sveglia. Ma ci sono sogni che sono tanto vividi che, anche se sai che è stato un sogno e magari era pure nonsense, keeps coming back to mind and distress. At least, happens to me.

Today was a long day, especially because I used (twice, one in the morning and one afternoon) almost an hour to travel a few miles, at times not normally trafficked. Why are some roads were impassable because of the wax on the floor (5 there was the feast of the patron).
And then I found myself immersed up to their necks in the bureaucracy, with a capital in the country in which do everything we can to slow down the normal course of things, so who cares if the company loses, and I work here, from here to me no one ever unnail .

Already said that I would like to get away? I think so.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Safe To Fly Gestational Diabetes

PLP: The track and structure are nice, the rest are on track for world championships. But now we come to the minutes of this first long day.

rate PLP
1:47 1:49 1:50
Risks 1:51 1:52 1:54
Bilia 1:54 1:55 1:55
Stefano Del
Luke 1:57 1:59 2:01 Paul

Both work for the legendary Conrad due to friction of the PLP who made only three rounds and three slides for risk, White, Cristofani but without consequences.

Tomorrow 's another day and you will see'!!!!!!! Greetings to all.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Microsoft Access Dateadd Vba

Educazione sessuale... questa sconosciuta.

The other day I happened on this blog and frankly was a little 'shaken, not only by the fact that you are looking for answers - the key to their growth and sometimes for their lives (as responses are based on choices that may affect the existence) - to legitimate questions, and not on the Internet at home or at school, but also in reading the kind of questions that today's young people are about sex.
The first thing that shocked me is the 'age ... not one to which ask questions, but one to which young people have sex. Having already established relationships to fourteen years is the norm. Many of them have also had twelve, even among girls who have not yet had their first menstruation (and having sex so happy and serene can not conceive). And my turmoil reached a peak when I read a question asked by a girl of nine years who claimed to have already had sex.
The second thing (but it's a dead heat with the first, in terms of degree of upset) that upset me is the ' total ignorance and the resulting superficiality.
Many have sex and do not even know how babies are made, you can tell by the type of questions che fanno. Domanda frequente è se avendo rapporti orali (che vanno per la maggiore tra i bambinetti di questa generazione) si resta incinta. Poi, una convinzione, a quanto pare comune, è che la prima volta che fai l'amore non puoi rimanere incinta. Ah???? Sì, perché le tube di lei sono chiuse, o qualcosa del genere.

In generale, la massima preoccupazione di quelli che scrivono è il dubbio che lei sia rimasta incinta, pochissimi dichiarano di usare preservativi e nessun cenno alle malattie sessualmente trasmissibili. E per lo più, i dubbi di altro genere riguardano, per i maschi dimensioni e durata, per le femmine altri usi dello sperma (sbiancante per denti e crema antirughe, tra i più tokens) and if the gynecologist (from which to twelve years we usually go with the mother) understands that you are no longer virgins. And the morning-after pill is considered, often, a contraceptive.

It 's a picture a bit' daunting. In my URGE a (nice) po 'widespread sex education.
right would certainly talk about certain things, and probably most importantly, in the family, although I think the reaction that many parents might have, faced with questions of a certain type at that age (in fact, come to my mind also reactions that may have parents of friends in front of forty to questions of this type!) and then ... but the school ... Education sexual, in my opinion, should be on schools and, given the average age of those who write, you should do the averages. And the lessons should allow students to expose their doubts and give clear answers.

I found here, a bit 'of material information useful ... in case some naive, looking for answers, happened to be passing by this blog.

It shocked the rest of the face of this kind of statements . You can also read here . Here I
antagonize anyone, but patience, you can not think of everyone equally. And the bigotry of the Catholic religion I just do not go down.
Sex education in school threat faith ...
my mom that statement ... #[#@[[@[
He says that we should leave sex education to the families ... and this is right - that the family should talk about certain things - but it seems clear that sex education or family exists in a very small percentage of cases or not enough ... (And this I say, there are statistics a little more reliable than my rambling on this blog).
fact, there are children who give birth to children or children who use abortion or the morning-after pill as a contraceptive or disease because they take children who do not use condoms and maybe die ... that's fine, not! Thus faith is not threatened .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Best Value Wireless Surroundsound

There is no limit to the rudeness and disrespect.
The other day, with the storm, there has flooded the garage and from there the water is gone and it was raining inside the house, downstairs. Then it rained the hole in the chimney, which still is not there, but the hole is plugged with a cork boards. I suppose that the flue is packed full of water, waiting for the cap fell on the mobile's underneath, I removed all that I could from the potential path ... the mobile can not be because it is fixed to the wall.
However, I am waiting for quite a while they get the workers to do some work (the house, after all, is new and is not normal that it rains in) and luckily they knew that without exception, I had to leave at 9 home (as I write are 9.50 and did not see anyone, after you already have a phone call reminder) ... but is it normal? make appointments and do not appear to be late or that are sure to cause discomfort to those with whom you have an appointment?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pre-paid Legal's Compensation Plan

Il mio lavoro... questo sconosciuto.

Brooklyn Bridge - NYC

I know that only a small percentage of people I know, including family, has understood what is the work I do. And, in fact, if you do not work in this area, probably would not have understood so well either.
Many people think I do the insurance. The other representative of something. Some I know that the consultant ... for what or who do not know.
The only sure thing that everyone has understood, is that I have a steady job, who am I to go to customers and not vice versa, and that, therefore, a long ride in the car.

Just yesterday I told a person (girl) about how I landed this job, almost eleven years ago, and wise woman, Given my experience, I advised him to never take anything for granted and not to preclude something a priori, because they do not know where can get the opportunity of your life (I think this not only at work but in general).

fact it happened to me as well.

One day - during the year of compulsory internship in postgraduate strictly unpaid, and during which also worked for the university projects that had to do with the graphics branch (in this regard, a huge THANK YOU the first person who believed in me: AM) - I received a letter from an unknown company, inviting me to attend a postgraduate course, on something that I had no idea di cosa diavolo fosse.
Nella lettera si parlava di cose per me totalmente sconosciute: qualità, HACCP, autocontrollo alimentare, ISO 9000. Sicuramente, nulla al mondo mi avrebbe potuto far immaginare, in quel momento, che queste cose sarebbero diventate un giorno il mio pane quotidiano.
Non so ancora cosa mi ha spinto quel giorno a iscrivermi a quel corso, anche perché avevo tutt'altro che tempo libero, ma di certo so che è stata la scelta professionalmente più importante di tutta la mia vita. Qui forse dovrei citare il destino .
Perché uno dei docenti di quel corso era il dottor C.
Impeccabile, distinto, bell'uomo e docente incredibilmente valido, che, a fine corso, chiese a qualcuno us the curriculum. Matter of Dr. C. was "Quality and ISO 9001".
One day, a year later, when I had already forgotten about that course - of which I was the only remaining friends with my dear friend again P. - While doing the scazzatissima secretary at an ISP (rather than by addressing phone dozens of angry customers every day, and softened them with my voice, I did receive calls of all kinds, even to walk with private helicopter), Dr. C. I phoned and asked if I was interested in working with him.
, I did not have repeated twice and the next day I lost myself in the streets already horrendous and the same industrial zone, at which Dr. C. had its società di consulenza.
Per fortuna, il mio senso dell'orientamento nullo non ha impressionato negativamente il dottor C. che, dopo avermi riportata telefonicamente sulla retta via, mi ha spiegato più o meno quello che avrei dovuto fare e mi ha detto che avrei potuto iniziare a lavorare lì il giorno stesso.
E così è stato.

Da allora, per lavoro, faccio questo... consulenza.
Aiuto, diciamo così, le aziende ad adeguare il proprio sistema gestionale a quelle che sono le regole dettate dalla Norma ISO 9001, nota anche come Norma della Qualità - che altro non è che la norma del buon senso , dato che fissa delle regole che qualunque azienda dovrebbe seguire per lavorare well. And companies
my need help if they want to have the certificate of quality, also known as ISO 9000 certification or seal of quality or blue sticker or piece of paper . The
piece of paper is a voluntary certification, except in certain areas, and any type of company can be certified.
certificate but I do not give it to him, do the certification agencies.
My job is to think about it, beautiful. It lets you know how to work a lot of types of companies and, if you allow it (if customers believe), it's nice to reflect together those who work there, on how best to do a certain activities ... making organization.
Not always, however, customers believe in all this, in fact, common systems are useless papers that are used only for them to see that the Certification on the day of the audit.
And, in some cases, if this happens, it is also the fault of the consultants.
But those who believe in this system, who understand that the reorganization is first of all the company and the ISO 9001 sets out the rules of common sense, there are good and I'm happy with them.

So basically, I work for over ten years thanks only to a point that one day I came home and the fact that I decided to attend a course, even if not I had no idea what it was.

And then, thanks to Dr. C. who believed in me at that time (and many others afterwards) and taught me how to do this job in one of the best ways possible, believing . The way he does. One of the best on the square.

Railway Route To Velankanni Church

Piccole soddisfazioni lavorative

so I'd like a room with a door "secret" made of books ... would be my favorite room.

Yesterday I was in business in a country not too far away ... But the road to it is horrible and it is one in which I missed when I wrote this . So I went there by bus. And I decided that never again take the bus to go there.
I had an inkling, in fact, but yesterday I had the certainty that I suffer from motion sickness thrust, as well as car and boat, also on the bus. While I was there, abandoned on the seat, eyes closed, hoping that time would fly and that the curves would end, my thoughts were running at that time on the speedboat, which had led us away from the atoll of the Maldives, the goal of our honeymoon. The waves were high and the boat rocked as ever I saw something that I was waving above, very few did not vomit (and I was not among the lucky ones) and a hapless, who had to move to care for a vomiting, had due to four feet. And I was so busy that I did not even feel bad that the boat from capsizing fear (fear that more legitimate).
's working day yesterday, apart from motion sickness, has been rewarding.
They are not much satisfied with my work is something that my friends know. But sometimes, things happen that, instead, in their small, make me happy.
Because I think what I have been preaching for ten years is not just hot air ... and it is important for my sanity, someone reminded me, sometimes.
And it is good, above all, to see reality as it committed to continuously improve the quality of service.