Friday, February 18, 2011

Buffer Calculator Online

Odio Tele2 (2)

"Summer romances end for all kinds of reasons.
But When All Is Said and Done, They have one thing in common: They are shooting stars
-a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity
. And in a flash, they're gone. "

Rachel McAdams and quote from" The Notebook ".
has nothing to do with this post, but I wanted something nice
to think about, as I write this thing anything but pleasant.

are generally a kind, calm and quiet, but when I feel cheated or I'm dealing with incompetent people, I become odious and hateful.
will not explain in detail what happened this summer with that "very serious" company, with whom I had a contract package old home, for several years.
The only thing that matters is that, thanks incompetence (or lack of good faith) of the call center staff - I had to pay the rent for two months in which no more had been living in the house (more than 70 €).
Moreover, any unpaid invoices (we never received), not even warn us before (and have to say that all our cell phone numbers and e-mail), we have reported to a debt collection company, which has demanded payment, plus the costs clearly (17 euro).
Mi chiedo se per cose come queste (anche per cifre inferiori a 100 euro), poi si finisce additati come cattivi pagatori e vengono rifiutati finanziamenti e cose simili.
Dopo incazzature e riflessioni, ho deciso di pagare e di togliermi dalla parte del torto e poi questa mattina ho presentato un reclamo di 4 pagine, portato a conoscenza anche di un'associazione di consumatori, nel quale ho chiesto il rimborso dei due canoni e delle spese di 17 euro.
Non è il primo reclamo che faccio, degli altri se ne sono fregati, ma questa volta ho messo in copia l' associazione di consumatori e ho citato i punti della loro carta dei servizi che hanno disatteso...
Vediamo come finisce.


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