Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kates Playground Office Wine

Velocità di lettura

Non sapevo di leggere in fretta, sino a quando ho cominciato a confrontarmi con altre persone sui tempi medi di lettura. E mi sono resa conto che leggo parecchio più veloce di tante altre persone.
E' un bene? Mah... alcuni mi invidiano, ma non so se è una cosa buona in generale.
E, per me, non lo è, almeno non sempre, perché la velocità di lettura influisce negativamente... non tanto sul mio livello di comprensione del testo al momento, like - I read somewhere - it should happen but, more importantly, on what I remember after some time.
In fact, I have read many books in my life and those of which I remember very well the plot will be a few dozen.
Sure, I remember the books I've read several times and even those who have impressed me for some reason, but the others ...
There are books in my library ... I do not know if I read them or not.
There are books that I know I have read and I do not remember reading them. I happened, in this respect, the other day to read e-mail that I sent to a friend even a couple of years ago. In this e-mail about a book I had just finished - and I was well liked - and I do not remember way of reading it. The thing I was a bit 'hit, because at that moment I thought I read something written by someone else and instead it was something written by me ( inspiration: I invent a story about this topic? ).
Reading speed is not something that voluntary rules, I know that there are techniques to learn to read fast ... I, however, I would be able to read more slowly ... only that, do I have to concentrate not so little happens that is so focused, attentive to read slowly, I do not understand what I read ... paradoxically.


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