Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Card Verses For An Eleven Year Old

Una "bambina" felice

Sunday afternoon.
In a large shopping mall, where they are temporarily crowded (and hot, because there is heat set at tropical temperature) all the inhabitants of Catania and its province, a woman enters, with making sure, in a famous shop , huge and crowded, making for great strides towards a precise area, the center of which does not go unnoticed two huge televisions, game consoles connected to the same number, which kidnapped two boys are playing.
His object of desire - has finally decided to buy it after several years - is just steps away and the woman who is a foretaste of the fitness session dell'indomani morning.
picks up, with shining eyes, the packaging she thinks contains the object of desire in its entirety and request confirmation note the details of the department. These
, probably a bit 'sad at the thought of happiness dampen the glare of the woman who sits in front of the formal communication "Sorry madam, the consoles are finite. She holds a
hiccups and a subdued chatter "What bad luck!", Then reassembles, force may be used and asks when they arrive.
The answer is depressing: "I do not know, the console will be finished by Christmas."

For the series never say never ...
Although video games have always intrigued me, and in some periods, even slightly addicted, and though I wanted some time - at times frenzied - Some games I had seen at a friend's house, I did not believe that one day I bought a game console.
yet happened.
is not the Wii, which is what I tried on Sunday, but the Xbox.
do not know the differences between the two, but my Xbox has something so cool, I think the Wii has not, which is the Kinect .
do not know the technical details, however the Kinect is a sensor with a video camera that allows the player to interact with the console through your body.
You select the options - that you see on screen - with the hand that touches a particular spot in the air and played no more moving joystick and pressing keys, but ... moving.
So, if you do motion games, best done in suit! The
Kinect is also the photos while you're busy dodging objects, jumping, flying, kicking, catching in absurd poses ... In this regard, it is good to play and not properly dressed in shorts or with curlers in the head, for Xbox also shares the pictures online, if you log in and change the default settings. From

Pacman or Popeye , in games played with the bars, even many years ago, this ...


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