Friday, February 11, 2011

Battery Operated Drag Dog

Prove tecniche e paure

I do not know what it represents, but inspires me ... I was going to write serenity ... Then I noticed those figures on the right below, which are reflected in the water and disturb me ... are gazing at the edge or are in the water, trapped in a parallel reality?

Just now it's been a UFO (not understood in common, but in its literal translation unidentified flying object ) height well below normal height at which aircraft fly the common ... I was busy in the extremely acute preparation of a pastry with bacon (yes, yes ... I cut the cheese) and a deafening noise scared me for several seconds ... one of my irrational fears (or maybe not) - all being eaten by sharks or fall with the plane being shot in the back or if I am to give away to a dark area - is that a plane crashed into the house with me. Even if you were out, I would bother, but for sure, if I was in, it would be worse.
Obviously I'm here to tell about, so it did not happen.
However, today is a day of unusual noises, in fact, a few minutes, you hear a loud hammering coming from the house next door ... I know that they are certainly not the neighbors ... So what? Going to investigate is not for me.

Having said this, since I just wanted to make a technical test to see if my repeated attempts to do - even when I do not understand anything of what I do - he the success that I hope ... let me know if you see this post with the usual font or a different font ... And ditto for the
titoletti in the sidebar on the right. Thanks. :))

And because this talk of UFOs, I thought of the first UFO in my life: ATLAS UFO ROBOT ... Grendizer. If you were born between 1970 and 80 - maybe - you know this cartoon. For me, along with Heidi, is one of the first things I remember from my childhood. Below, the original Japanese symbols.
The first, in particular, I like a lot, because that is when they put Actarus popped out of the waterfall with his ship and met with the robot.


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