Friday, February 4, 2011

Microsoft Access Dateadd Vba

Educazione sessuale... questa sconosciuta.

The other day I happened on this blog and frankly was a little 'shaken, not only by the fact that you are looking for answers - the key to their growth and sometimes for their lives (as responses are based on choices that may affect the existence) - to legitimate questions, and not on the Internet at home or at school, but also in reading the kind of questions that today's young people are about sex.
The first thing that shocked me is the 'age ... not one to which ask questions, but one to which young people have sex. Having already established relationships to fourteen years is the norm. Many of them have also had twelve, even among girls who have not yet had their first menstruation (and having sex so happy and serene can not conceive). And my turmoil reached a peak when I read a question asked by a girl of nine years who claimed to have already had sex.
The second thing (but it's a dead heat with the first, in terms of degree of upset) that upset me is the ' total ignorance and the resulting superficiality.
Many have sex and do not even know how babies are made, you can tell by the type of questions che fanno. Domanda frequente è se avendo rapporti orali (che vanno per la maggiore tra i bambinetti di questa generazione) si resta incinta. Poi, una convinzione, a quanto pare comune, è che la prima volta che fai l'amore non puoi rimanere incinta. Ah???? Sì, perché le tube di lei sono chiuse, o qualcosa del genere.

In generale, la massima preoccupazione di quelli che scrivono è il dubbio che lei sia rimasta incinta, pochissimi dichiarano di usare preservativi e nessun cenno alle malattie sessualmente trasmissibili. E per lo più, i dubbi di altro genere riguardano, per i maschi dimensioni e durata, per le femmine altri usi dello sperma (sbiancante per denti e crema antirughe, tra i più tokens) and if the gynecologist (from which to twelve years we usually go with the mother) understands that you are no longer virgins. And the morning-after pill is considered, often, a contraceptive.

It 's a picture a bit' daunting. In my URGE a (nice) po 'widespread sex education.
right would certainly talk about certain things, and probably most importantly, in the family, although I think the reaction that many parents might have, faced with questions of a certain type at that age (in fact, come to my mind also reactions that may have parents of friends in front of forty to questions of this type!) and then ... but the school ... Education sexual, in my opinion, should be on schools and, given the average age of those who write, you should do the averages. And the lessons should allow students to expose their doubts and give clear answers.

I found here, a bit 'of material information useful ... in case some naive, looking for answers, happened to be passing by this blog.

It shocked the rest of the face of this kind of statements . You can also read here . Here I
antagonize anyone, but patience, you can not think of everyone equally. And the bigotry of the Catholic religion I just do not go down.
Sex education in school threat faith ...
my mom that statement ... #[#@[[@[
He says that we should leave sex education to the families ... and this is right - that the family should talk about certain things - but it seems clear that sex education or family exists in a very small percentage of cases or not enough ... (And this I say, there are statistics a little more reliable than my rambling on this blog).
fact, there are children who give birth to children or children who use abortion or the morning-after pill as a contraceptive or disease because they take children who do not use condoms and maybe die ... that's fine, not! Thus faith is not threatened .


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