Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Waxing Company Hawaii

Intolleranze alimentari e divagazioni sul tema (e non)

"For fully enjoy the tea, it should be dropped completely in the present. Only in the awareness of this
your hands can feel the pleasant warmth of the cup. Only in this
you can savor the aroma, feel the sweetness, appreciate the delicacy.
If you're mulling things past or worrying about the future, completely miss the experience of enjoying a cup of tea.
Moreover, looking into the cup, and tea there will be no more "
- Monaco and Zen philosopher Thich Nhat Hanh -

I once attended a sort of tea ceremony.
We were about ten people, in a bare room, sitting on the floor on rugs and cushions, in penumbra. They offered us cups of green tea in particular, in a very simple harmony and silence. It 'been a suggestive that made me think about that sentence up there.

Herbal teas and tea, along with cups, is one of my fixations.
I really like large cups, the ones where it comes nearly half a liter of milk or tea. I can not stand those little, those that must be filled three times to drink the desired amount of liquid! The cups must be colored, not white. I especially like those only color.

Here the site from which I drew the original image of the cups.

These are some of varieties of tea and herbal teas
that there are at this time in my house.

Recently I sipped the orange and cinnamon, which is very good usually, but, as they are cooled again to death and not feel the taste, it seemed vaguely flavored hot water. That is not the best.
least I hope that the fact that I do not feel the taste, now keep me away from the refrigerator and other food temptations, my balance before you behave like this:

fly over
Links diet, because there would be crying, talking instead of food intolerances.
For several years I am convinced that they suffer from food intolerance, some for me in the continuous presence of almost all symptoms, among the multitude of those that are cited as a sign of intolerance and in some way so "serious" to interfere with the normal activities of daily living.
But I never decided to do the test, because not recommended by some doctors and various things I've read about, that "liquidate" these tests as unnecessary.
So in effect, I do not know how plausible, but the other day I made them and found very intolerant to certain foods ... and, above all, the most feared (because deep down I knew it, but I wanted that were not so!), I love most and which I always thought it could not do without: the milk (with a value found in my blood which is well above the normal range, like 50 times.)

good intentions.
Now try, hoping to have the force of will - just because the diets are not for me - for one month to avoid foods that contain milk (and cheese), eggs, peppers, spices, potatoes, mushrooms, Soy ... if only the milk and eggs are all that in one form or another, eat usually.
And if, through diet, the symptoms disappear, I'll have a chat with those who "tests are useless."


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