Wednesday, February 9, 2011

When Have You Felt Ashamed

Un vaggio alla ricerca di qualcosa che non c'era.

Notte stellata - Van Gogh

Che mi piacerebbe scrivere, anzi saper scrivere e magari guadagnarmi da vivere scrivendo, l'ho already said so many times. I never thought to be good, but I like to write.
I know it will never become a making machine like Stephen King books and I'll never have the talent to Umberto Eco, but tastes in reading are very subjective, so one day you may get something like what happened to Rowling (Harry Potter) or Meyer (Twilight), which from day to day, writers have found the world's most famous ... who knows.
There is hope, even if I write the worst of mica Meyer!
clear that I, though not a bimbominkia (someone wrote somewhere that only bimbominkia appreciate the Twilight books), I bed and I am passionate about the Twilight books, because Meyer has invented a story, written in a simple way that has something romantic to dream ... certainly does not inspire all of safe and makes you dream a lot bimbominkia, but also many adults, with brains and not necessarily frustrated housewives (another cliche about those who read the Twilight books) ... I'm not home and even frustrated.
I hate clichés, in parentheses.
But Meyer is not a writer who knows what level, to what he's ahead without some kind of big words or difficult style ... because it could not happen to me?! :)))
Rowling, however, I think a genius. The saga of Harry Potter is simply terrific and the fantasy of this woman has no limits. Rowling is definitely one of my myths.

Eventually, however, said my new friend Mark's blog , not to me but to someone else, I write primarily for myself, because I like it.
And I enjoy sharing what I write. None
then be obliged to read or tell me "how I love your story!" if it is not true.
I also hate the hypocrisy.
Better a "No, thank you, write it as a bimbominkia!" or the more diplomatic "I do not like your style" ... then, seriously, if you do not like the style of a writer, even if Umberto Eco, there is little to do, you can not read it.

said ... I just can not write a novel.
The novel (or something) I'm writing right now is far from complete (and there are still a couple of years), although theoretically the ideas I would as well, and my favorite long tale is over but stuck (to myself) because I like it, there are some nice ideas in it, but I know I have to change something.
Then the other day I decided to write a series of short stories, perhaps set in train and, for once, without horror or supernatural stuff in the middle. The first is this
here. Thanks
for any feedback, but do not feel compelled to give me. :)

I decided to share the things I wrote, as they convinced me, with Google Documents, as it did with the story of the road some time ago.

Just for completeness, since I used the term bimbominkia several times, the definition found here and a detailed report on the uses and customs of bombominkia here. There is even a definition in 'Urban Dictionary .

PS Question for those who write and publish on-line ... stories to protect against theft as you do? you can register them somewhere? non penso che qualcuno possa trovare i miei racconti tanto interessanti da rubarmeli, pubblicarli e farci un sacco di soldi, ma... consigli?


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