Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making Waffles With Sandwich Maker

third day and final ranking second day

(PLP) Ebbene si anche questa uscita e' andata..... Vorrei provare ad analizzare questi tre giorni sia per l'organizzazione che per le prestazioni di ognuno di noi (naturalmente sono valutazioni personali e quindi più o meno condivisibili).
L' organizzazione da parte nostra e' stata buona, anche se si puo' fare sempre meglio. Dal punto di vista dei trasporti e per la tempistica tutto e' filato liscio, anche per la parte economica siamo rimasti nelle cifre preventivate.
The move smart and clever and 'was to involve our trusted mechanic who, with his well known Corrado professionalism as well as be available to all without sclera offered his friendship thing is priceless and for that we thank him.
Now to my comment on the results of these three days:
1:57:00 and Raphael Del Bianco 'was unfortunate not only for the fall but have not had the chance' to turn the second and third day because of swollen hand. Too bad 'cause the 250 GP sounded like a violin and the "Old Raffa" was nice load! It 'not too old, he will be back' next year. Paolo Picchi
1.52,5 ill-treated by 'flu, in the race gave his best and finished third in his glides.
Tagliasacchi Andrea (Panda) 1.52,0 after overcoming several problems in the back and arms, even if the chrono is not 'the best state has a lot of laps and then look to the future with optimism.
Luca Farinelli 1.51.1 whereas the track and 'went a few times I was very surprised at his performance and if I think that the goal' of my years ........
Micci Richard (Miquik) 1.50,9 "thought better" he has yet to recover from 'knee injury I had the chance' to prove his kawa and I guarantee that it is not 'just too good to be strong, came the child will make us 'see' the green mice.
Bilia Massimiliano 1.50.1 Although the bike is now at the top and 'non-performance but not all the tracks are "digested" the same way. After the wedding will be 'all over' easy ..... (We hope).
Stefano Fornari 1.49,1 frighteningly fast (even with the truck and 'came before us who travel by air) bravo bravo bravo ...
Cristofani Alessandro 1.48,7 old bikes, new rider and 'went' to the beast "perhaps due to excessive heat and 'ran in two crashes, but as they say" craft that goes. "
Gonnella Rischard (Riscy) 1.48,6 after beating the record of "fast fall" and 'shared managed to finish second in the cat. Open A (R1 motorcycle mod. 2004) a lot of stuff ....
Del Bianco Emanuele (SDU) 1.48,5 I always see him driving emotion .... and 'the ultimate expression of passion and willpower' ......
"The most 'Soon" Tassoni Alessandro (Tasso) 1.45,2 undoubtedly the most' specific and precise in the guide that is in the care of the details of the bike without leaving the athletic training, with the new bike (Suzuki K5) will 'a bone more and more' hard for everyone. Pierluigi
Pieroni (PLP) 1.44,8 am pleased with the days spent together and I thank them all.
performance and 'went beyond the mie aspettative.(Non so se senza la 1198s.......).
Un grazie a tutti quelli che ci seguivano da casa e ai nostri sostenitori che sono sempre numerosi.

Saluti a tutti


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