Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pre-paid Legal's Compensation Plan

Il mio lavoro... questo sconosciuto.

Brooklyn Bridge - NYC

I know that only a small percentage of people I know, including family, has understood what is the work I do. And, in fact, if you do not work in this area, probably would not have understood so well either.
Many people think I do the insurance. The other representative of something. Some I know that the consultant ... for what or who do not know.
The only sure thing that everyone has understood, is that I have a steady job, who am I to go to customers and not vice versa, and that, therefore, a long ride in the car.

Just yesterday I told a person (girl) about how I landed this job, almost eleven years ago, and wise woman, Given my experience, I advised him to never take anything for granted and not to preclude something a priori, because they do not know where can get the opportunity of your life (I think this not only at work but in general).

fact it happened to me as well.

One day - during the year of compulsory internship in postgraduate strictly unpaid, and during which also worked for the university projects that had to do with the graphics branch (in this regard, a huge THANK YOU the first person who believed in me: AM) - I received a letter from an unknown company, inviting me to attend a postgraduate course, on something that I had no idea di cosa diavolo fosse.
Nella lettera si parlava di cose per me totalmente sconosciute: qualità, HACCP, autocontrollo alimentare, ISO 9000. Sicuramente, nulla al mondo mi avrebbe potuto far immaginare, in quel momento, che queste cose sarebbero diventate un giorno il mio pane quotidiano.
Non so ancora cosa mi ha spinto quel giorno a iscrivermi a quel corso, anche perché avevo tutt'altro che tempo libero, ma di certo so che è stata la scelta professionalmente più importante di tutta la mia vita. Qui forse dovrei citare il destino .
Perché uno dei docenti di quel corso era il dottor C.
Impeccabile, distinto, bell'uomo e docente incredibilmente valido, che, a fine corso, chiese a qualcuno us the curriculum. Matter of Dr. C. was "Quality and ISO 9001".
One day, a year later, when I had already forgotten about that course - of which I was the only remaining friends with my dear friend again P. - While doing the scazzatissima secretary at an ISP (rather than by addressing phone dozens of angry customers every day, and softened them with my voice, I did receive calls of all kinds, even to walk with private helicopter), Dr. C. I phoned and asked if I was interested in working with him.
, I did not have repeated twice and the next day I lost myself in the streets already horrendous and the same industrial zone, at which Dr. C. had its società di consulenza.
Per fortuna, il mio senso dell'orientamento nullo non ha impressionato negativamente il dottor C. che, dopo avermi riportata telefonicamente sulla retta via, mi ha spiegato più o meno quello che avrei dovuto fare e mi ha detto che avrei potuto iniziare a lavorare lì il giorno stesso.
E così è stato.

Da allora, per lavoro, faccio questo... consulenza.
Aiuto, diciamo così, le aziende ad adeguare il proprio sistema gestionale a quelle che sono le regole dettate dalla Norma ISO 9001, nota anche come Norma della Qualità - che altro non è che la norma del buon senso , dato che fissa delle regole che qualunque azienda dovrebbe seguire per lavorare well. And companies
my need help if they want to have the certificate of quality, also known as ISO 9000 certification or seal of quality or blue sticker or piece of paper . The
piece of paper is a voluntary certification, except in certain areas, and any type of company can be certified.
certificate but I do not give it to him, do the certification agencies.
My job is to think about it, beautiful. It lets you know how to work a lot of types of companies and, if you allow it (if customers believe), it's nice to reflect together those who work there, on how best to do a certain activities ... making organization.
Not always, however, customers believe in all this, in fact, common systems are useless papers that are used only for them to see that the Certification on the day of the audit.
And, in some cases, if this happens, it is also the fault of the consultants.
But those who believe in this system, who understand that the reorganization is first of all the company and the ISO 9001 sets out the rules of common sense, there are good and I'm happy with them.

So basically, I work for over ten years thanks only to a point that one day I came home and the fact that I decided to attend a course, even if not I had no idea what it was.

And then, thanks to Dr. C. who believed in me at that time (and many others afterwards) and taught me how to do this job in one of the best ways possible, believing . The way he does. One of the best on the square.


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